Mises Institute
Green Deals and “Moonshots”: Fertile Soil for Crony Capitalism
Since the financial crisis, industrial policy has experienced a renaissance in the Western world. “Missions” or “moonshots” are put in place by policymakers in order to address societal challenges. Go…
Popular Science
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Working Paper No. 1524
The Impact of Firm-Influenced Vocational Education on Labor Market and Demographic Outcomes
This paper examines the impact of a Swedish policy allowing manufacturing firms to influence the curricula of local educational institutions. Our analysis shows that the program has contributed to a s…
Working Paper
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Journal of School Choice
The Profit Motive in the Classroom—Friend or Foe?
Can competition and the existence of profit-seeking actors in the school market improve educational quality? To see cost-efficient, long-term improvements, we identify the school system’s capacity for…
Journal Article
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Small Business Economics
Immigrant Self-employment in Turbulent Times
We examine immigrant self-employment in Sweden during 2011–2021 – a turbulent decade with a large influx of refugees into the country and the outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Four outcome var…
Journal Article
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Annals of Regional Science
The EU’s Competitive Advantage in the 'Clean-Energy Arms Race'
The net-zero agreement on carbon emission from Paris 2015 gives a key role to fossil-free energy technologies with an expected multifold growth rate over the coming decades, when successively replacin…
Journal Article
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Working Paper No. 1523
Is Green Industrial Policy the Right Choice for the EU?
This paper critically evaluates the European Union’s shift towards large-scale green industrial policies. It highlights the risks of government-directed resource allocation, such as inefficiencies, mi…
Working Paper
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Eastern Economic Journal
Much Ado about Nothing? Counterterrorist Legislation has Few Effects
Terrorism causes anger and fear among citizens, but also often leads to counterterrorist legislation (CTL). We explore determinants of CTL and whether it affects the likelihood of terrorism and limits…
Journal Article
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Working Paper No. 1522
The Role of Specialized Knowledge and ‘Know-How’ for Firm Productivity: Evidence from the Equine Industry
Using matched employer–employee data, we investigate the influence of human capital inputs on firm productivity. Several variables are used to measure firms’ access to skilled labor, such as their sha…
Working Paper
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American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
Home, Sweet Home: Returns to Returning in the Age of Mass Migration
Despite significant circular migration flows historically and today, their economic impacts remain understudied. Using data on predominantly rural Swedish migrants who returned from the US during the…
Journal Article
Differentiated Integration in a Nordic Perspective
The Economics behind the Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages in the EU: Why Differentiated Integration is a Better Option
This chapter discusses the underlying economic analysis of the Directive regarding the effects of increased minimum wages on employment and incomes for low-paid workers and the European Commission’s p…
Book Chapter
Economic Affairs
What’s Ideological about Limited Government?
How does government ideology affect the size of government? This article employs data on government spending and regulation using a new disaggregation scheme and new causal strategy. It finds that gov…
Journal Article
Economic Affairs
Not Just the Top Five Journals: A Recipe for European Economists
Recently, the incentive structure facing doctoral students and researchers in economics has changed significantly in many European countries as a result of the adoption of the US approach to evaluatin…
Journal Article
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Differentiated Integration in a Nordic Perspective
Following an interdisciplinary approach and focusing on the idea of the Nordics as a laboratory of differentiation, the book explores specific Nordic concerns in policy fields such as the labour marke…
International Economic Review
Optimal Redistribution and Education Signaling
We develop a theory of optimal income and education taxation under asymmetric information between firms and workers. Our results show that a max–min optimal tax code can achieve predistribution by poo…
Journal Article
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Working Paper No. 1521
Coming Together or Coming Apart? Crises, Uncertainty and Tolerance
Uncertainty affects people in various ways. It is frequently found to hinder investment and production in the economic sphere. In this study, we examine the empirical relationship between uncertainty…
Working Paper
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Review of Economics of the Household
Household Specialization and Competition for Promotion
We study how the presence of promotion competition in the labor market affects household specialization patterns. By embedding a promotion tournament model in a household setting, we show that special…
Journal Article
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Working Paper No. 1520
E-scooters and Traffic Accidents: Evidence from Staggered Roll-Out in Swedish Municipalities
The rapid rise of e-scooters (electric scooters) in cities around the world, boosted by the introduction of shared e-scooter services has visibly reshaped the way people move around cities, sparking b…
Working Paper
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Scandinavian Political Studies
Retrenchment without Liberalisation: Making Sense of Sweden's Shift Away from Consensual and Evidence-Based Politics
Fifteen years ago, Bergh and Erlingsson (2009) argued that Sweden's period from 1980 to 2000 was characterised by “liberalisation without retrenchment”. This resulted from pragmatic policymaking, a co…
Journal Article
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Working Paper No. 1519
Not Just the Top Five Journals: A Recipe for European Economists
We provide a critical analysis of the adoption of the US ‘top-five model’ by European economics academia. This model prioritizes publications in five elite journals, heavily influencing the career tra…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1518
Coup d’États, Institutional Change, and Productivity
Understanding the consequences and recovery for countries hit by adverse national events such as political crises is central to understanding long-run development dynamics. Utilizing the Coleman boat…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1517
Pattern Bargaining as a Means to Coordinate Wages in the Nordic Countries
The various form of pattern bargaining with manufacturing, as representative of the tradables sector, deciding the norm for wage increases in the Nordic countries are reviewed. This form of bargaining…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1516
Cities and the Rise of Working Women
We document that large cities were instrumental in shaping women’s work and family outcomes in the early 20th century. We focus on migrants to Stockholm, Sweden’s largest city, using representative, l…
Working Paper
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Journal of Financial Economics
JAQ of All Trades: Job Mismatch, Firm Productivity and Managerial Quality
We develop a novel measure of job-worker allocation quality (JAQ) by exploiting employer-employee data with machine learning techniques. Based on our measure, the quality of job-worker matching correl…
Journal Article
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Economics Letters
Plundered or Profitably Pumped-up? The Effects of Private Equity Takeover
We study the effects on firms that are acquired by private equity firms in a leveraged buyout, using detailed Swedish registry data covering 1998-2022. Acquired firms see a large increase in their deb…
Journal Article
Working Paper No. 1515
Does Education Foster Civic-Minded Citizens? Evidence from a Compulsory Schooling Reform
We exploit education reforms in Sweden and other European countries to estimate the causal effects of longer and modernized compulsory education on civic engagement. In most countries, compulsory educ…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1514
Neo-Schumpeterian Growth Theory: Missing Entrepreneurs Results in Incomplete Policy Advice
The neo-Schumpeterian growth models, which appeared in the early 1990s, have ostensibly reintroduced the entrepreneur into mainstream growth theory. However, we show that by ignoring genuine uncertain…
Working Paper
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Small Business Economics
Neo-Schumpeterian Growth Theory: Missing Entrepreneurs Results in Incomplete Policy Advice
The neo-Schumpeterian growth models, which appeared in the early 1990s, have ostensibly reintroduced the entrepreneur into mainstream growth theory. However, we show that by ignoring genuine uncertain…
Journal Article
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European Review of Agricultural Economics
Transition Dynamics of Hybrid Farmers: A Survival Analysis of Exits and Entries Into Full-Time Farming
Using Swedish-matched employer–employee data from 2001 to 2018 and parametric survival analysis, we examine how the share of off-farm wage income affects survival time in the state of hybrid farming.…
Journal Article
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Economists’ Voice
The Political Economy of Academic Freedom
Since comprehensive data became available five years ago, a literature about academic freedom has emerged. This paper surveys studies on the causes and consequences of academic freedom. The new litera…
Journal Article
Government and Economic Growth in the 21st Century: A Classical Liberal Response
Book Chapter
Suomalaisyritykset hyötyisivät yhteiseurooppalaisesta yhtiömuodosta
Siinä missä yhdysvaltalaiset yritykset voivat kasvaa joustavasti osavaltioiden rajojen yli ja samalla vahvistua riittävän suuriksi toimijoiksi globaalisti, eurooppalaiset yritykset kohtaavat erilaisia…
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Social Science & Medicine
Disease Exposure in Infancy Affects Women's Reproductive Outcomes and Offspring Health in Southern Sweden 1905–2000
Ample evidence demonstrates that early-life adversity negatively affects morbidity and survival in late life. We show that disease exposure in infancy also has a continuous impact on reproduction and…
Journal Article
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Urban Lives: An Industrial City and Its People During the Twentieth Century
Income, Inequality, and Geography: Disparities in Age at Death
This chapter explores the relationship between long-term exposure to neighborhood income inequality and adult mortality in Landskrona during a period of declining economic disparities. Using geocoded…
Book Chapter
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Urban Lives: An Industrial City and Its People During the Twentieth Century
Social Class Segregation in Landskrona
This chapter examines the evolution of social class segregation in the city of Landskrona during the twentieth century. The city’s population was initially spatially mixed with regards to social class…
Book Chapter
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Urban Lives: An Industrial City and Its People During the Twentieth Century
The Industrial City and Its People: Summary and Conclusion
This chapter presents and discusses the main findings and conclusions of the volume and puts them into a broader perspective. Taken together, the different chapters contribute to closing the gap betwe…
Book Chapter
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Urban Lives: An Industrial City and Its People During the Twentieth Century
Urban Lives: A Micro-Level Approach to Economic and Demographic Change in the Twentieth Century
This chapter introduces the research presented in the volume. It starts by highlighting the importance of an individual-level perspective to understand how long-term economic and societal changes conn…
Book Chapter
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Delmi Report 2024:11
War Policies and Migration Aspirations in Russia
This report investigates how migration aspirations within the Russian population have evolved following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022. It primarily focuses on the impact of the…
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Constitutional Political Economy
Does the Electoral Process Cause Less Terrorism?
Little is known about how democratic process affects terrorism. We outline three mechanisms and test their implications in a large panel dataset of 76 countries. Voter turnout is associated with fewer…
Journal Article
Institutet för Näringslivsforskning
The Importance of Family Firms for Resilience and Transformation Capacity in the Swedish Business Sector
This is an English version of the non-peer reviewed paper ”Familjeföretagens betydelse för motståndskraften och omställningskraften i näringslivet”. Ekonomisk Debatt 50(7), 14–26.
Family firms balance…
Popular Science
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Working Paper No. 1513
The Long-Term Effects of Early Sports Selection
This paper examines the long-term effects of early sports selection using a regression discontinuity design. I show that Swedish track and field athletes who qualified for a one-time appearance with t…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1512
The Inc-Dec Game and How to Mitigate It
The power exchange and the real-time markets used by the system operator differ in how system constraints are managed. This can result in regulatory arbitrage, which can increase consumer costs, incre…
Working Paper
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Journal of Economic History
Inventors among the ”Impoverished Sophisticate”
This paper examines the identity and origins of Swedish inventors prior to World War I drawing on the universe of patent records linked to census data. We document that the rise of innovation during S…
Journal Article
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Working Paper No. 1511
The Socioeconomics of Wind Power Expansion: Evidence from Sweden
We document the socioeconomics of wind power expansion in Sweden using two metrics. First, we compute the difference in socioeconomic status (SES) between residents exposed to wind power (0-2 km from…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1510
How Has the War in Ukraine Affected Russian Sentiments?
We analyze the effects of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the partial military mobilization, and the Wagner Group rebellion on a broad set of sentiments in the Russian population, using the exogenous ti…
Working Paper
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Economic Journal
The Intergenerational Effects of Parental Incarceration
We estimate the causal effects of parental incarceration on children’s short- and long-run outcomes using administrative data from Sweden. Our empirical strategy exploits exogenous variation in parent…
Journal Article
Handbook on International Business Policy
The Changed Geopolitical Map: Implications for Business Policy in a Sustainable Finance Perspective
The chapter acknowledges the changed geopolitical map and the new adjacent political mindset and examines the current state of the relationship between MNEs and governments/central banks. The focus is…
Book Chapter
Working Paper No. 1509
The Intergenerational Effects of Parental Incarceration
We estimate the causal effects of parental incarceration on children’s short- and long-run outcomes using administrative data from Sweden. Our empirical strategy exploits exogenous variation in parent…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1508
The Effects of Electronic Monitoring on Offenders and their Families
Electronic monitoring (EM) has emerged as a popular tool for curbing the growth of large prison populations. Evidence on the causal effects of EM on criminal recidivism is, however, limited, and it is…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1507
The Price of Exclusion: Coalition Formation in the Shadow of Rising Radical Right
The increasing electoral success of populist radical-right parties poses a significant challenge to established political parties in Western democracies. While mainstream parties often maintain a poli…
Working Paper
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Review of Income and Wealth
Earnings Losses and the Role of the Welfare State During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Sweden
Many governments introduced temporary adjustments to counter the economic and health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. We study the importance of already existing government transfers and pandemi…
Journal Article
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Working Paper No. 1506
The Effect of an Anonymous Grading Reform for Male and Female University Students
This paper presents evidence that anonymous grading benefits female university students based on a university-wide reform. Female grades improve by 0.04-0.06 standard deviations relative to males, wit…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1505
Stress-Testing a Quasi-Market: Unintended Consequences of the Swedish School Voucher System
Quasi-markets in the provision of public services are increasingly common but also highly contested. We formulate a conceptual framework based on economic theory to describe how quasi-markets differ f…
Working Paper
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Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy
How Important is Mobile Broadband Latency for Total Factor Productivity Growth?
This paper investigates the relationship between the log change in mobile broadband latency and total factor productivity (TFP) growth based on data for 130 countries. It finds that there is a strong…
Journal Article
Southern Economic Journal
Does Capitalism Disfavor Women? Evidence from Life Satisfaction
There is widespread concern, especially in certain feminist circles, that a market-oriented economic system, or capitalism, disfavors women. This could take many forms, such as lower wages for the sam…
Journal Article
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Working Paper No. 1504
On Credibility and Causality in Economics: A Critical Appraisal
Borrowing ideas from the medical sciences, we propose tentative guidelines for reliable causal inferences that cover aspects related to both the study itself and its fit with background knowledge. We…
Working Paper
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Journal of the Economics of Ageing
Intergenerational Redistribution in a Pay-as-you-go Pension System
This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the generational wealth transfer within Sweden’s public pay-as-you-go pension system introduced in 1960. Using extensive administrative registers, the p…
Journal Article
Explorations in Economic History
Wealth and History: A Reappraisal
This article analyzes new evidence on long-run trends in aggregate wealth accumulation and wealth inequality in Western countries. The new findings suggest that wealth-income ratios were lower before…
Journal Article
Journal of Finance
What is the Cost of Privatization for Workers?
The privatization of state owned enterprises is on the agenda across the globe. Using Swedish data covering two decades, we show that productivity gains and headcount reductions are coupled with econo…
Journal Article
Journal of Institutional Economics
Economic Freedom and Academic Freedom across Nations
Academic freedom is a cornerstone of modern academic life. It is not only implied by basic liberal principles but also contributes to scientific progress and economic growth. It is therefore important…
Journal Article
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Financial History Review
The Economics of Small Change: Resolving Coinage Challenges in Medieval Europe
In medieval Europe’s coinage systems, the introduction of small denomination coins was a significant challenge due to their higher relative production costs, often leading to shortages. To address thi…
Journal Article
Working Paper No. 1503
Heterogeneity and Persistence in Tax Responsiveness: Evidence from Owner-Managed Companies
We study responsiveness of owner-managed companies to a corporate income tax kink using Dutch tax records linking firms to their owners. The corporate taxable income elasticity (CETI) is 0.08, but tax…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1502
Long-Term Trends in the Distribution of Wealth and Inheritance
This paper examines long-term trends in aggregate wealth and inheritance and in their distributions, focusing on developed economies. A key stylized fact is that wealth is less equally distributed tha…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1501
AI, Automation, and Taxation
This chapter examines the implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation for the taxation of labor and capital in advanced economies. It synthesizes empirical evidence on worker displacem…
Working Paper
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Public Money & Management
Municipally Owned Corporations in Sweden: A Cautionary Tale
Over the past 30 years, the use of municipally owned corporations (MOCs) has increased rapidly in Sweden. Proponents of MOCs claim that they promote efficiency. However, at the same time, critics stre…
Journal Article
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Energiforsk Report 2024:1035
The Inc-Dec Game and How to Mitigate It
Differences in the handling of bottlenecks between the power exchange and the real-time markets used by the system operator can give rise to arbitrage opportunities. This can cause increased consumer…
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Open Markets - How trade helps humans cooperate, create and destroy
Why do we obsess about money? Are products made to break? Why do we work so hard? How do we help the poor? Why do humans create markets everywhere they go? A fact-filled research-based graphic non-fic…
Encyclopedia of Public Choice
Beauty in Politics
The looks of political candidates can influence voter behavior, often serving as a shortcut for those lacking detailed information. Attractive candidates are often viewed as more competent and may gai…
Book Chapter
Research Handbook on the Structure of Private Equity and Venture Capital
From Wall Street to Work Floor: How Private Equity Buyouts Affect Workers
Private equity buyouts have sparked debates among labor unions and worker representatives on how they affect workers. This chapter provides an overview of academic evidence on how private equity buyou…
Book Chapter
International Tax and Public Finance
The Marginal Value of Public Funds: A Brief Guide and Application to Tax Policy
This paper provides a brief and accessible guide to the Marginal Value of Public Funds (MVPF) and offers some new perspectives on its application to the evaluation of tax policy. Specifically, the pap…
Journal Article
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Working Paper No. 1500
Tolerating Losses for Growth: J-Curves in Venture Capital Investing
Startups face a trade-off between short-term profitability versus long-term growth. Their cash flows are said to follow a so-called J-curve. The shape of the curve depends on investor tolerance for pr…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1499
The Growth Consequences of Socialism
The discussion of the growth consequences of socialism has fulminated for a century, sparked off by the Calculation Debate in the 1920s and 30s, and has concerned the performance of the Soviet Union i…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1498
Individualism and Working from Home
This paper investigates the role of individualism in explaining cross-country differences in working from home (WFH). Using data from the Current Population Survey (CPS) of the United States and the E…
Working Paper
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Mises Institute
Industrial Policy, Green Deals, and the Well-Paid New Public Intellectuals
The renaissance of industrial policy has been promoted by a breed of public intellectuals with considerable financial interests as they are well paid consultants for governments.
Popular Science
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Financial Times
Western countries can easily afford more support for Ukraine
The US and its allies risk paying a higher longer-term price if they fail to repel Russian aggression.
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Journal of Technology Transfer
Sourcing Applied and Basic Knowledge for Innovation and Commercialization Success
We study how sourcing of applied and basic knowledge is related to the likelihood and speed at which inventions become innovations as well as their profitability. By using a patent database with uniqu…
Journal Article
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World Development
Geography, Development, and Power: Parliament Leaders and Local Clientelism
Commenters regularly claim that parliament leaders in Latin America and the Caribbean favor their birth regions. Using granular data on nightlight intensity from up to 183,000 micro regions across 25…
Journal Article
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Research Policy
PhD Studies Hurt Mental Health, But Less than Previously Feared
We study the mental health of PhD students in Sweden using comprehensive administrative data on prescriptions, specialist care visits, hospitalizations, and causes of death. We find that about 7% (5%)…
Journal Article
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Terrorism and Political Violence
Do Blasphemy Restrictions Restrict Terrorism?
A majority of the world’s countries ban forms of blasphemous expressions, often arguing that such legislation is necessary to prevent conflicts and terrorism. We explore the association between types…
Journal Article
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Institutions as Predictors of Government Discrimination
Not only do corporations discriminate, but states do as well. We relate measures of government discrimination against various groups to measures of institutions and culture. We find that states behave…
Journal Article
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Economic Affairs
Seven Reasons Why Mission-Oriented Innovation Policies Seldom Work in Practice
This article integrates findings from several different case studies on mission-oriented innovation policies (MOIPs) and makes use of the existing literature to briefly describe three other missions:…
Journal Article
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Working Paper No. 1497
Immigrant Self-employment in Turbulent Times: A Decade with Refugee Crisis and the COVID-19 Pandemic
We examine immigrant self-employment in Sweden during 2011–2021 – a turbulent decade with a large influx of refugees into the country and the outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Four outcome var…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1496
Investment Treaties and the Threat to Biodiversity
Protecting biodiversity will require the phase-out of harmful production at a large scale. However, some of these stranded investments will be foreign-owned, and can therefore be protected by the more…
Working Paper
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Richer and More Equal: A New History of Wealth in the West
Once there were princes and peasants and very few between. The extremes of wealth and poverty are still with us, but that shouldn't blind us to the fact our societies have been utterly transformed for…
Urban Lives: An Industrial City and Its People During the Twentieth Century
Urban Lives emphasizes the importance of a micro-level approach in examining the lives of individuals and families in an industrial city, spanning over a century. The work deepens the understanding of…
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Working Paper No. 1495
Partial Retirement and Labor Supply: Evidence from Swedish Collective Bargaining Agreements
Aging populations strain pension systems, prompting policymakers to introduce partial retirement schemes to incentivize workers to retire later. I study the impact of introducing partial retirement wi…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1494
Collectively Bargained Wages and Female Earnings: Evidence from Swedish Local Governments
This paper studies how a special wage increase for assistant nurses in Sweden affected income and employment. Workers in the public sector receive wages based on negotiations between unions and employ…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1493
Financial Constraints and Cash Holdings in Private Firms: Evidence from Discontinuous Credit Ratings
We study how financing constraints affect the cash holdings of small and medium-sized enterprises. There has been little empirical work on this topic, even though these firms often face financial cons…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1492
Top Income Taxation: Efficiency, Social Welfare and the Laffer Curve
This paper develops a comprehensive framework for analyzing the revenue, efficiency and social welfare implications of top income taxation. It generalizes the Saez (2001) formula for the optimal top t…
Working Paper
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Journal of Applied Econometrics
Peer Desirability and Academic Achievement
Using the random assignment of university engineering students to peer groups during introductory freshmen weeks, this paper studies how a student's parental income and facial attractiveness affect th…
Journal Article
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Working Paper No. 1491
Populist Parties’ Popularity Post Power
Populist parties have grown rapidly in popularity in most European countries, and are increasingly common in government coalitions. Analyzing 183 populist parties in 33 European countries from 1980 to…
Working Paper
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Working Paper No. 1490
Infrastructure Expansion, Tourism, and Electoral Outcomes
This paper examines the electoral impact of increased foreign tourism, using data from Croatia. Exploiting exogenous variation in travel times to coastal municipalities from improved road infrastructu…
Working Paper
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Journal of Labor Economics
Taxes, Childcare and Gender Identity Norms
We investigate the role of gender norms in shaping parental childcare following changes in the relative take-home pay of mothers and fathers. Exploiting variation from Swedish tax reforms, we estimate…
Journal Article
Small Business Economics
Inventions, Commercialization Strategies and Knowledge Spillovers in SMEs
Despite the comprehensive previous research on different aspects of inventions and externalities spanning both the micro and macro levels, no prior studies have, to our knowledge, examined the relatio…
Journal Article
Small Business Economics
Why Generative AI Can Make Creative Destruction More Creative But Less Destructive
The application of machine learning (ML) to big data has become increasingly important. We propose a model where firms have access to the same ML, but incumbents have access to historical data. We sho…
Journal Article
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Small Business Economics
Risky Business: Venture Capital, Pivoting and Scaling
The creation and scaling of startups are inherently linked to risk-taking, with various types of owners handling these risks differently. This paper investigates the influence of an active venture cap…
Journal Article
Energy Economics
Wind Power and the Cost of Local Compensation Schemes: A Swedish Revenue Sharing Policy Simulation
Local resistance towards wind power is a central challenge for the energy transition, implying that legally imposed compensation schemes for nearby residents may become more prevalent in the near futu…
Journal Article
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Applied Economics Letters
Test Scores and Economic Growth: Update and Extension
Research indicates that education quality – measured by test scores in international student surveys – predicts economic growth. In this paper, we extend previous findings up to 2016 and analyse test…
Journal Article
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Constitutional Political Economy
Ballooning Bureaucracy? Stylized Facts of Growing Administration in Swedish Higher Education
All organizations need to allocate labor to production and administration. In many cases – particularly within the public sector – the optimal allocation is far from obvious. Indeed, vocal concerns ha…
Journal Article
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Mises Institute
Industrial Policy Is Back—and It’s a Gigantic Mistake
The mentality of Build Back Better is not just confined to the US. Around the world, governments are resorting to the ancient tradition of using massive amounts of resources to build things that glori…
Popular Science
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De norrländska stålsatsningarna – frälsare eller gökunge?
The Sponge-Iron Battle: The Challenges for Fossil-Free Steel Initiatives in Norrland and the Way Forward
The EU and many countries have committed to be climate-neutral by 2050. Combined with the Paris Agreement, this means there is strong presure to transition to climate-neutral technoligies. This pressu…
Book Chapter
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