Tidskriftsartiklar (engelska) 2010–2019 Visa i normalt format 1 2 3 4 5 Nästa 01 juli 2019 Abreu, Maria, Ozge Öner, Aleid Brouwer och Eveline Leeuwen (2019). ”Well–Being Effects of Self–Employment: A Spatial Inquiry”. Journal of Business Venturing 34(4), 589–607. doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusvent.2018.11.001 01 januari 2019 Aldén, Lina och Mats Hammarstedt (2019). ”Refugee Immigration and Public–Sector Finances: Evidence from Sweden”. FinanzArchiv 75(3), 297–322. doi.org/10.1628/fa-2019-0006 01 december 2019 Andersson, Fredrik, Henrik Jordahl och Jens Josephson (2019). ”Outsourcing Public Services: Contractibility, Cost, and Quality”. CESifo Economic Studies 65(4), 349–372. doi.org/10.1093/cesifo/ifz009 01 juli 2019 Andersson, Martin, Johan P. Larsson och Joakim Wernberg (2019). ”The Economic Microgeography of Diversity and Specialization Externalities – Firm–Level Evidence from Swedish Cities”. Research Policy 48(6), 1385–1398. doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2019.02.003 01 maj 2019 Angelis, Jannis och Elias Ribeiro da Silva (2019). ”Blockchain Adoption: A Value Driver Perspective”. Business Horizons 62(3), 307–314. doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2018.12.001 01 mars 2019 Baù, Massimo, Francesco Chirico, Daniel Pittino, Mikaela Backman och Johan Klaesson (2019). ”Roots to Grow: Family Firms and Local Embeddedness in Rural and Urban Contexts”. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 43(2), 360–385. doi.org/10.1177/1042258718796089 01 augusti 2019 Berggren, Niclas och Christian Bjørnskov (2019). ”Do Voters Dislike Liberalizing Reforms? New Evidence Using Data on Satisfaction with Democracy”. Journal of Institutional Economics 15(4), 631–648. doi.org/10.1017/S1744137419000031 01 januari 2019 Berggren, Niclas och Christian Bjørnskov (2019). ”Regulation and Government Debt”. Public Choice 178, 153–178. doi.org/10.1007/s11127-018-0621-6 01 december 2019 Berggren, Niclas, Martin Ljunge och Therese Nilsson (2019). ”Roots of Tolerance Among Second–Generation Immigrants”. Journal of Institutional Economics 15(6), 999–1016. doi.org/10.1017/S1744137419000316 04 maj 2019 Bergh, Andreas, Gissur Erlingsson, Anders Gustafsson och Emanuel Wittberg (2019). ”Municipally Owned Enterprises as Danger Zones for Corruption? How Politicians Having Feet in Two Camps May Undermine Conditions for Accountability”. Public Integrity 21(3), 320–352. doi.org/10.1080/10999922.2018.1522182 08 oktober 2019 Bjuggren, Carl Magnus och Niklas Elert (2019). ”Gender Differences in Optimism”. Applied Economics 51(47), 5160–5173. doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2019.1610714 01 april 2019 Bjørnskov, Christian och Jacob Mchangama (2019). ”Do Social Rights Affect Social Outcomes?”. American Journal of Political Science 63(2), 452–466. doi.org/10.1111/ajps.12421 01 november 2019 Bjørnskov, Christian och Martin Rode (2019). ”Crisis, Ideology, and Interventionist Policy Ratchets”. Political Studies 67(4), 815–833. doi.org/10.1177/0032321718807858 22 februari 2019 Blix, Mårten (2019). ”Al and Future Skills in the Labour Market”. Rethinking Law 2(1), 66–69. 01 juni 2019 Bollman, Ray D. och Shon Ferguson (2019). ”The Local Impacts of Agricultural Subsidies: Evidence from the Canadian Prairies”. Journal of Agricultural Economics 70(2), 507–528. doi.org/10.1111/1477-9552.12309 12 november 2019 Carter, Colin A. och Shon Ferguson (2019). ”Deregulation and Regional Specialization: Evidence from Canadian Agriculture”. Canadian Journal of Economics 52(4), 1497–1522. doi.org/10.1111/caje.12411 01 juni 2019 Dackehag, Margareta, Lina-Maria Ellegård, Ulf Gerdtham och Therese Nilsson (2019). ”Debt and Mental Health: New Insights about the Relationship and the Importance of the Measure of Mental Health”. European Journal of Public Health 29(3), 488–493. doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckz002 01 augusti 2019 Edmark, Karin (2019). ”Location Choices of Swedish Independent Schools”. Annals of Regional Science 63(1), 219–239. doi.org/10.1007/s00168-019-00933-y 01 maj 2019 Ek, Simon och Magnus Henrekson (2019). ”The Geography and Concentration of Authorship in the Top Five: Implications for European Economics”. Scottish Journal of Political Economy 66(2), 215–245. doi.org/10.1111/sjpe.12208 01 december 2019 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2019). ”The Collaborative Innovation Bloc: A New Mission for Austrian Economics”. 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01 juli 2019 Abreu, Maria, Ozge Öner, Aleid Brouwer och Eveline Leeuwen (2019). ”Well–Being Effects of Self–Employment: A Spatial Inquiry”. Journal of Business Venturing 34(4), 589–607. doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusvent.2018.11.001
01 januari 2019 Aldén, Lina och Mats Hammarstedt (2019). ”Refugee Immigration and Public–Sector Finances: Evidence from Sweden”. FinanzArchiv 75(3), 297–322. doi.org/10.1628/fa-2019-0006
01 december 2019 Andersson, Fredrik, Henrik Jordahl och Jens Josephson (2019). ”Outsourcing Public Services: Contractibility, Cost, and Quality”. CESifo Economic Studies 65(4), 349–372. doi.org/10.1093/cesifo/ifz009
01 juli 2019 Andersson, Martin, Johan P. Larsson och Joakim Wernberg (2019). ”The Economic Microgeography of Diversity and Specialization Externalities – Firm–Level Evidence from Swedish Cities”. Research Policy 48(6), 1385–1398. doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2019.02.003
01 maj 2019 Angelis, Jannis och Elias Ribeiro da Silva (2019). ”Blockchain Adoption: A Value Driver Perspective”. Business Horizons 62(3), 307–314. doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2018.12.001
01 mars 2019 Baù, Massimo, Francesco Chirico, Daniel Pittino, Mikaela Backman och Johan Klaesson (2019). ”Roots to Grow: Family Firms and Local Embeddedness in Rural and Urban Contexts”. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 43(2), 360–385. doi.org/10.1177/1042258718796089
01 augusti 2019 Berggren, Niclas och Christian Bjørnskov (2019). ”Do Voters Dislike Liberalizing Reforms? New Evidence Using Data on Satisfaction with Democracy”. Journal of Institutional Economics 15(4), 631–648. doi.org/10.1017/S1744137419000031
01 januari 2019 Berggren, Niclas och Christian Bjørnskov (2019). ”Regulation and Government Debt”. Public Choice 178, 153–178. doi.org/10.1007/s11127-018-0621-6
01 december 2019 Berggren, Niclas, Martin Ljunge och Therese Nilsson (2019). ”Roots of Tolerance Among Second–Generation Immigrants”. Journal of Institutional Economics 15(6), 999–1016. doi.org/10.1017/S1744137419000316
04 maj 2019 Bergh, Andreas, Gissur Erlingsson, Anders Gustafsson och Emanuel Wittberg (2019). ”Municipally Owned Enterprises as Danger Zones for Corruption? How Politicians Having Feet in Two Camps May Undermine Conditions for Accountability”. Public Integrity 21(3), 320–352. doi.org/10.1080/10999922.2018.1522182
08 oktober 2019 Bjuggren, Carl Magnus och Niklas Elert (2019). ”Gender Differences in Optimism”. Applied Economics 51(47), 5160–5173. doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2019.1610714
01 april 2019 Bjørnskov, Christian och Jacob Mchangama (2019). ”Do Social Rights Affect Social Outcomes?”. American Journal of Political Science 63(2), 452–466. doi.org/10.1111/ajps.12421
01 november 2019 Bjørnskov, Christian och Martin Rode (2019). ”Crisis, Ideology, and Interventionist Policy Ratchets”. Political Studies 67(4), 815–833. doi.org/10.1177/0032321718807858
22 februari 2019 Blix, Mårten (2019). ”Al and Future Skills in the Labour Market”. Rethinking Law 2(1), 66–69.
01 juni 2019 Bollman, Ray D. och Shon Ferguson (2019). ”The Local Impacts of Agricultural Subsidies: Evidence from the Canadian Prairies”. Journal of Agricultural Economics 70(2), 507–528. doi.org/10.1111/1477-9552.12309
12 november 2019 Carter, Colin A. och Shon Ferguson (2019). ”Deregulation and Regional Specialization: Evidence from Canadian Agriculture”. Canadian Journal of Economics 52(4), 1497–1522. doi.org/10.1111/caje.12411
01 juni 2019 Dackehag, Margareta, Lina-Maria Ellegård, Ulf Gerdtham och Therese Nilsson (2019). ”Debt and Mental Health: New Insights about the Relationship and the Importance of the Measure of Mental Health”. European Journal of Public Health 29(3), 488–493. doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckz002
01 augusti 2019 Edmark, Karin (2019). ”Location Choices of Swedish Independent Schools”. Annals of Regional Science 63(1), 219–239. doi.org/10.1007/s00168-019-00933-y
01 maj 2019 Ek, Simon och Magnus Henrekson (2019). ”The Geography and Concentration of Authorship in the Top Five: Implications for European Economics”. Scottish Journal of Political Economy 66(2), 215–245. doi.org/10.1111/sjpe.12208
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