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Working Paper No. 630

Mergers by Partial Acquisition

Working Paper
Lindqvist, Tobias (2004). ”Mergers by Partial Acquisition”. IFN Working Paper nr 630. Stockholm: Institutet för Näringslivsforskning.

Tobias Lindqvist

This paper evaluates partial acquisition strategies. The model allows for buying a share of a firm before the actual acquisition takes place. Holding a share in a competing firm before the acquisition of another firm, outsider-toehold, eliminates the insiders' dilemma, i.e. profitable mergers do not occur. This strategy may thus be more profitable for a buyer than acquiring entire firms at once. Furthermore, the insiders' dilemma arises from the assumption of a positive externality on the outsider firm and acquiring an outsider-toehold is thus a signal of an anti-competitive merger.