A finite number of heterogeneous firms facing demand-induced price fluctuations imperfectly compete for heterogeneous workers. Because firms must commit to wages and employment before the realization of product price, they exhibit a risk-averse behavior. It is then shown that unemployment may arise in equilibrium because of the combination of uncertainty on product price and mismatch between workers' skills and firms' job requirements.
Working Paper No. 610
Demand Uncertainty, Mismatch and (Un)Employment
Working Paper
Jellal, Mohamed, Jacques-Françis Thisse och Yves Zenou (2003). ”Demand Uncertainty, Mismatch and (Un)Employment”. IFN Working Paper nr 610. Stockholm: Institutet för Näringslivsforskning.
Jellal, Mohamed, Jacques-Françis Thisse och Yves Zenou (2003). ”Demand Uncertainty, Mismatch and (Un)Employment”. IFN Working Paper nr 610. Stockholm: Institutet för Näringslivsforskning.
Mohamed Jellal,
Jacques-Françis Thisse,
Yves Zenou