The analysis provides a new explanation for two widespread problems concerning European unemployment policy: the disappointingly small effect of many past reform measures on employment, and the political difficulties in implementing more extensive reform programs. We argue that the heart of the difficulty may be the failure of many European governments to implement broad-based reform strategies. Our analysis suggests that major unemployment policies are characterized by economic complementarities (in that the ability to gain political consent for one policy depends on the acceptance of other policies). Under these circumstances, incremental, small-scale adjustments of existing policy packages are doomed to failure. Our analysis suggests, instead, that the European unemployment problem should be tackled through "broad" reforms that manage to exploit the salient economic and political complementarities among individual policy measures.
Working Paper No. 500
Anatomy of Policy Complementarities
Working Paper
Orszag, Mike och Dennis J. Snower (1998). ”Anatomy of Policy Complementarities”. IFN Working Paper nr 500. Stockholm: Institutet för Näringslivsforskning.
Orszag, Mike och Dennis J. Snower (1998). ”Anatomy of Policy Complementarities”. IFN Working Paper nr 500. Stockholm: Institutet för Näringslivsforskning.
Mike Orszag,
Dennis J. Snower