The present paper has two aims. The first one concerns primarily an issue of method. I set up and analyse an explicitly stochastic model of the optimal behaviour of a firm, which recruits from a search labour market. The second aim of my paper concerns very much an issue of substance in economics. I show that when the firm is not allowed to decrease its money wage, its optimal response to lower unemployment is to increase its wage, if a plausible (and testable) condition with regard to its expected horizon is met. Hence search theory predicts the existence of a micro Phillips relation under plausible assumptions.
Working Paper No. 200
Search Theory, Downward Money Wage Rigidity and the Micro Foundations of the Phillips Curve
Working Paper
Schager, Nils Henrik (1988). ”Search Theory, Downward Money Wage Rigidity and the Micro Foundations of the Phillips Curve”. IFN Working Paper nr 200. Stockholm: Institutet för Näringslivsforskning.
Schager, Nils Henrik (1988). ”Search Theory, Downward Money Wage Rigidity and the Micro Foundations of the Phillips Curve”. IFN Working Paper nr 200. Stockholm: Institutet för Näringslivsforskning.
Nils Henrik Schager