In this paper the effects of unemployment on mental health are analysed. A simple model where both the occurrence of and duration of unemployment are allowed to affect mental health is specified.
Panel data are used to control for "fixed effects", i.e. omitted variables that are constant over time. The main finding is that those who are unemployed seem to have worse mental health than others whereas no effects were found after having controlled for fixed effects.
Working Paper No. 120
Unemployment and Mental Health: Some Evidence from Panel Data
Working Paper
Björklund, Anders (1984). ”Unemployment and Mental Health: Some Evidence from Panel Data”. IFN Working Paper nr 120. Stockholm: Institutet för Näringslivsforskning.
Björklund, Anders (1984). ”Unemployment and Mental Health: Some Evidence from Panel Data”. IFN Working Paper nr 120. Stockholm: Institutet för Näringslivsforskning.
Anders Björklund