This paper studies the population dynamics of cultural traits in a model of intergenerational cultural transmission with a perfectly-forward looking cultural leader. We show that there exists a threshold size in terms of population above which the cultural leader becomes active. We also show that a policy affecting some key parameters (such as the cost of providing the religious good) has a different impact in the short run and in the long run due to over-reactions or under-reactions of the different cultural groups. Finally, we study the cultural competition between two forward-looking cultural leaders with opposite objectives. We show that the steady-state cultural equilibrium depends on the time preference structure of the two leaders. © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Journal of Economic Theory
Cultural Leader and the Dynamics of Assimilation
Verdier, Thierry och Yves Zenou (2018). ”Cultural Leader and the Dynamics of Assimilation”. Journal of Economic Theory 175, 374–414.
Verdier, Thierry och Yves Zenou (2018). ”Cultural Leader and the Dynamics of Assimilation”. Journal of Economic Theory 175, 374–414.
Thierry Verdier,
Yves Zenou