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Industrial and Corporate Change

The Choice of Organizational Form by Closely–Held Firms in Sweden: Tax Versus Non–Tax Determinants

Edmark, Karin och Roger H. Gordon (2013). ”The Choice of Organizational Form by Closely–Held Firms in Sweden: Tax Versus Non–Tax Determinants”. Industrial and Corporate Change 22(1), 219–243.

Karin Edmark, Roger H. Gordon

This article makes use of individual data from 2004 to 2008 on owners of closely held businesses in Sweden to estimate the role of both tax and non-tax determinants in the choice to be a closely held corporation (CHC) versus a proprietorship. Although lower-income individuals face relatively neutral incentives, higher-income households face strong tax incentives to be corporate. The data suggest a strong response to these tax incentives. Many conventional non-tax determinants are confirmed in the data as well.