This article extends the theory of multinational firms by allowing for agglomeration forces in firmlevel activities such as R&D as well as in production. We develop a two-country general-equilibrium model where firms make separate choices about the location of R&D and production. There are R&D spillovers and a home-market effect creating incentives for firms to locate production in the relatively large market. For relatively weak R&D spillovers and intermediate trade costs, the smaller economy tends to specialise in R&D. While skilled labour may gain from hosting an agglomeration of R&D activities, unskilled labour.
Economic Journal
Location of R&D and High‐Tech Production by Vertically Integrated Multinationals
Ekholm, Karolina och Katariina Hakkala (2007). ”Location of R&D and High‐Tech Production by Vertically Integrated Multinationals”. Economic Journal 117(518), 512–543.
Ekholm, Karolina och Katariina Hakkala (2007). ”Location of R&D and High‐Tech Production by Vertically Integrated Multinationals”. Economic Journal 117(518), 512–543.
Karolina Ekholm, Katariina Hakkala