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Urban Lives: An Industrial City and Its People During the Twentieth Century

Urban Lives: A Micro-Level Approach to Economic and Demographic Change in the Twentieth Century

Dribe, Martin, Therese Nilsson och Anna Tegunimataka (2024). ”Urban Lives: A Micro-Level Approach to Economic and Demographic Change in the Twentieth Century”. I Martin Dribe, Therese Nilsson och Anna Tegunimataka (red.), Urban Lives: An Industrial City and Its People During the Twentieth Century (1–25). New York: Oxford University Press.

Martin Dribe, Therese Nilsson, Anna Tegunimataka

Martin Dribe, Therese Nilsson, Anna Tegunimataka

This chapter introduces the research presented in the volume. It starts by highlighting the importance of an individual-level perspective to understand how long-term economic and societal changes connected with industrialization and post-industrialization have affected individuals and families during the twentieth century and into the twenty-first century as these changes pertain to social class, living conditions, and socioeconomic status. The authors discuss a detailed periodization, linking the developments in Landskrona to broader economic and societal developments in Sweden and internationally. The chapter also describes the study area and the Scanian Economic-Demographic Database and discusses the core concepts, variables, and methods used in the different chapters of this volume.