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Urban Lives: An Industrial City and Its People During the Twentieth Century

The Industrial City and Its People: Summary and Conclusion

Dribe, Martin, Therese Nilsson och Anna Tegunimataka (2024). ”The Industrial City and Its People: Summary and Conclusion”. I Martin Dribe, Therese Nilsson och Anna Tegunimataka (red.), Urban Lives: An Industrial City and Its People During the Twentieth Century (339–352). New York: Oxford University Press.

Martin Dribe, Therese Nilsson, Anna Tegunimataka

Martin Dribe, Therese Nilsson, Anna Tegunimataka

This chapter presents and discusses the main findings and conclusions of the volume and puts them into a broader perspective. Taken together, the different chapters contribute to closing the gap between historical studies based on parish records and contemporary research based on full-count registers or detailed surveys. The volume thereby fleshes out the narrative of twentieth-century demographic, social, and economic history by focusing on the individual level. This approach has rarely been taken in previous research over such a long period of time due to lack of high-quality micro-level data. The findings demonstrate how the behavior of individuals and families was conditioned by the larger societal transformations of the twentieth century; transformations broadly associated with industrialization, post-industrialization, and the emergence and culmination of the welfare state. The rise and fall of the industrial city had far-reaching effects on some patterns of behavior while leaving few traces in others.