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Hybridity in the Governance and Delivery of Public Services

Issues on Transparency, Accountability and Control in Hybrid organisations: The Case of Enterprises Owned by Local Government

Erlingsson, Gissur Ó., Anna Thomasson och Richard Öhrvall (2018). ”Issues on Transparency, Accountability and Control in Hybrid organisations: The Case of Enterprises Owned by Local Government”. I Andrea Bonomi Savignon, Luca Gnan, Alessandro Hinna och Fabio Monteduro (red.), Hybridity in the Governance and Delivery of Public Services (31–52). Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance, Volume 7. Emerald Publishing.

Gissur Ó. Erlingsson, Anna Thomasson, Richard Öhrvall

Andrea Bonomi Savignon, Luca Gnan, Alessandro Hinna, Fabio Monteduro

This study increases our knowledge regarding the challenges of governing hybrid organisations in general and enterprises owned by local government in particular. Therefore, the findings of this study are considered to be of support to politicians as well as civil servants involved in and responsible for the governance of hybrid organisations. We argue that it is important to carefully supervise this development in local government. As corporations owned and operated by local governments have increased in numbers, they are responsible for large values and services that are crucial for the modern society (water, waste management, energy, IT). Consequently, they are becoming ever more important players in their respective local economies. At the same time, concerns have been raised regarding how to govern hybrid organisations in order to secure accountability and to protect public sector values.