The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies on WTO Case Law
European Communities – Trade Description of Sardines: Textualism and Its Discontent
Horn, Henrik och Joseph H. H. Weiler (2007). ”European Communities – Trade Description of Sardines: Textualism and Its Discontent”. I Henrik Horn och Petros C. Mavroidis (red.), The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies on WTO Case Law (551–578). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Horn, Henrik och Joseph H. H. Weiler (2007). ”European Communities – Trade Description of Sardines: Textualism and Its Discontent”. I Henrik Horn och Petros C. Mavroidis (red.), The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies on WTO Case Law (551–578). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Henrik Horn, Joseph H. H. Weiler
Henrik Horn, Petros C. Mavroidis