Outsiders’ Response to European Integration
The Response of Small Outsider Countries to the EC 1992 Program: Some Stylized Facts and Home Country Effects from Outward FDI: A Regional Study of Changes in Production Patterns
Oxelheim, Lars och Robert Gärtner (1996). ”The Response of Small Outsider Countries to the EC 1992 Program: Some Stylized Facts and Home Country Effects from Outward FDI: A Regional Study of Changes in Production Patterns”. I Seev Hirsch och Tamar Almor (red.), Outsiders’ Response to European Integration (37–56). Copenhagen: Handelshøjskolens Forlag.
Oxelheim, Lars och Robert Gärtner (1996). ”The Response of Small Outsider Countries to the EC 1992 Program: Some Stylized Facts and Home Country Effects from Outward FDI: A Regional Study of Changes in Production Patterns”. I Seev Hirsch och Tamar Almor (red.), Outsiders’ Response to European Integration (37–56). Copenhagen: Handelshøjskolens Forlag.
Lars Oxelheim, Robert Gärtner
Seev Hirsch,
Tamar Almor