Problems of the Mixed Economy. Cooperation, Efficiency, and Stability
Analyzing Productivity and Efficiency in the Absence of Output Measures
Mellander, Erik och Bengt–Christer Ysander (1990). ”Analyzing Productivity and Efficiency in the Absence of Output Measures”. I Hans Carlsson och Bo Larsson (red.), Problems of the Mixed Economy. Cooperation, Efficiency, and Stability (157–183). Contributions to Economic Analysis. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Mellander, Erik och Bengt–Christer Ysander (1990). ”Analyzing Productivity and Efficiency in the Absence of Output Measures”. I Hans Carlsson och Bo Larsson (red.), Problems of the Mixed Economy. Cooperation, Efficiency, and Stability (157–183). Contributions to Economic Analysis. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Erik Mellander, Bengt–Christer Ysander
Hans Carlsson,
Bo Larsson