The Importance of Technology and the Permanence of Structure in Industrial Growth
Technical Progress and Structural Change of Swedish Dairy Plants
Førsund, Finn R. och Lennart Hjalmarsson (1978). ”Technical Progress and Structural Change of Swedish Dairy Plants”. I Bo Carlsson, Gunnar Eliasson och Ishaq Nadiri (red.), The Importance of Technology and the Permanence of Structure in Industrial Growth (161–180). IUI Conference Reports. Stockholm: IUI and Almqvist & Wiksell International.
Førsund, Finn R. och Lennart Hjalmarsson (1978). ”Technical Progress and Structural Change of Swedish Dairy Plants”. I Bo Carlsson, Gunnar Eliasson och Ishaq Nadiri (red.), The Importance of Technology and the Permanence of Structure in Industrial Growth (161–180). IUI Conference Reports. Stockholm: IUI and Almqvist & Wiksell International.
Finn R. Førsund,
Lennart Hjalmarsson
Bo Carlsson, Gunnar Eliasson, Ishaq Nadiri