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Differentiated Integration in a Nordic Perspective

Pintsch, Anne, Tor-Inge Harbo och Lars Oxelheim (red.) (2025). Differentiated Integration in a Nordic Perspective. London och New York: Routledge.

Anne Pintsch, Tor-Inge Harbo, Lars Oxelheim

Following an interdisciplinary approach and focusing on the idea of the Nordics as a laboratory of differentiation, the book explores specific Nordic concerns in policy fields such as the labour market, security and Justice and Home Affairs (JHA), EU institutions such as the European Commission and the Eurogroup, and legal issues such as the European Economic Area (EEA) law and European patent law. It discusses differentiation, particularly from the Nordic experiences, examines the lessons that can be learnt from them, and suggests more 'hidden' and less researched cases.

With a foreword by Alexander Stubb.

Lars Oxelheim

+46 (0)8 665 4527
+46 (0)70 861 9361