Artiklar på engelska Visa i normalt format 03 mars 2025 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2025). ”The Profit Motive in the Classroom—Friend or Foe?”. Journal of School Choice 19(1), 163–186. 02 januari 2025 Henrekson, Magnus och Dan Johansson (kommande). ”Neo-Schumpeterian Growth Theory: Missing Entrepreneurs Results in Incomplete Policy Advice”. Small Business Economics. 13 februari 2025 Henrekson, Magnus, Lars Jonung och Mats Lundahl (2025). ”Not Just the Top Five Journals: A Recipe for European Economists”. Economic Affairs 45(1), 123–131. 02 januari 2024 Henrekson, Magnus, Dan Johansson och Johan Karlsson (2024). ”To Be or Not to Be: The Entrepreneur in Neo-Schumpeterian Growth Theory”. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 48(1), 104–140. 01 juli 2024 Henrekson, Magnus, Christian Sandström och Mikael Stenkula (2024). ”Seven Reasons Why Mission-Oriented Innovation Policies Seldom Work in Practice”. Economic Affairs 44(2), 354–362. 14 juni 2023 Foss, Nicolai J. m.fl. (2023). ”Saras Sarasvathy: Recipient of the 2022 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research”. Small Business Economics 61(1), 1–10. 26 maj 2023 Henrekson, Magnus och Johan Wennström (2023). ”The View of Knowledge: An Institutional Theory of Differences in Educational Quality”. Independent Review 27(4), 511–532. 07 juni 2022 Bjuggren, Carl Magnus och Magnus Henrekson (2022). ”Female Self-Employment: Prevalence and Performance Effects of Having a High-Income Spouse”. Small Business Economics 59(1), 163–181. 30 september 2022 Boudreaux, Christopher J., Niklas Elert, Magnus Henrekson och David S. Lucas (2022). ”Entrepreneurial Accessibility, Eudaimonic Well-Being, and Inequality”. Small Business Economics 59(3), 1061–1079. 13 januari 2022 Coad, Alex m.fl. (2022). ”John Haltiwanger: Recipient of the 2020 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research”. Small Business Economics 58(1), 15–25. 03 oktober 2022 Forslund, Eva och Magnus Henrekson (2022). ”The Virtues of Native Discourse: Striking a Balance Between English and the Native Language”. Econ Journal Watch 19(2), 258–282. 16 augusti 2022 Henrekson, Magnus, Anders Kärnä och Tino Sanandaji (2022). ”Schumpeterian Entrepreneurship: Coveted by Policymakers but Impervious to Top-Down Policymaking”. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 32(3), 867–890. 08 februari 2021 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2021). ”Entrepreneurship Prompts Institutional Change in Developing Economies”. Review of Austrian Economics 34(1), 33–53. 08 juni 2021 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2021). ”Innovative Entrepreneurship as a Collaborative Effort: An Institutional Framework”. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship 17(4), 330–435. 04 februari 2021 Ferguson, Shon, Magnus Henrekson och Louise Johannesson (2021). ”Getting the Facts Right on Born Globals”. Small Business Economics 56(1), 259–276. 18 november 2021 Henrekson, Magnus, Erik Lakomaa och Tino Sanandaji (2021). ”The Interaction of Schumpeterian Institutional Entrepreneurship and Hayekian Institutional Change in Innovative Industries”. International Review of Entrepreneurship 19(3), 387–410. 13 oktober 2021 Henrekson, Magnus , Odd Lyssarides och Jan Ottosson (2021). ”The Social Background of Elite Executives: The Swedish Case”. Management & Organizational History 16(1), 65–87. 01 augusti 2020 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2020). ”Collaborative Innovation Blocs and Antifragility”. Journal of Institutional Economics 16(4), 537–552. 01 januari 2020 Henrekson, Magnus (2020). ”How Labor Market Institutions Affect Job Creation and Productivity Growth – An Update”. IZA World of Labor 38, 1–10. 03 maj 2020 Henrekson, Magnus, Dan Johansson och Mikael Stenkula (2020). ”The Rise and Decline of Industrial Foundations as Controlling Owners of Swedish Listed Firms: The Role of Tax Incentives”. Scandinavian Economic History Review 68(2), 170–191. 01 juli 2020 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2020). ”Measuring Entrepreneurship: Do Established Metrics Capture Schumpeterian Entrepreneurship?”. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 44(4), 733–760. 01 maj 2019 Ek, Simon och Magnus Henrekson (2019). ”The Geography and Concentration of Authorship in the Top Five: Implications for European Economics”. Scottish Journal of Political Economy 66(2), 215–245. 01 december 2019 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2019). ”The Collaborative Innovation Bloc: A New Mission for Austrian Economics”. Review of Austrian Economics 32(4), 295–320. 01 december 2019 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2019). ”The Collaborative Innovation Bloc: A Reply to Our Commentators”. Review of Austrian Economics 32(4), 349–361. 01 januari 2019 Ferguson, Shon och Magnus Henrekson (2019). ”The Long–Run Performance of Born Globals in Computing: The Role of Digital Platforms”. International Review of Entrepreneurship 17(3), 257–280. 01 oktober 2019 Henrekson, Magnus och Johan Wennström (2019). ”‘Post–truth’ Schooling and Marketized Education: Explaining the Decline in Sweden's School Quality”. Journal of Institutional Economics 15(5), 897–914. 01 augusti 2018 Economidou, Claire, Luca Grilli, Magnus Henrekson och Mark Sanders (2018). ”Financial and Institutional Reforms for an Entrepreneurial Society”. Small Business Economics 51(2), 279–291. 01 januari 2018 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2018). ”Schumpeterian Entrepreneurship in Europe Compared to Other Industrialized Regions”. International Review of Entrepreneurship 16(2), 157–182. 02 januari 2018 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2018). ”Stock Option Taxation and Venture Capital Activity: A Cross–Country Study”. Venture Capital 20(1), 51–71. 01 augusti 2018 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2018). ”Stock Option Taxation: A Missing Piece in European Innovation Policy?”. Small Business Economics 51(2), 411–424. 01 mars 2017 Edquist, Harald och Magnus Henrekson (2017). ”Do R&D and ICT Affect Total Factor Productivity Growth Differently?”. Telecommunications Policy 41(2), 106–119. 01 september 2017 Edquist, Harald och Magnus Henrekson (2017). ”Swedish Lessons: How Important are ICT and R&D to Economic Growth?”. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 42, 1–12. 01 januari 2017 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2017). ”Entrepreneurship and Institutions: A Bidirectional Relationship”. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship 13(3), 191–263. 01 januari 2017 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2017). ”Status Quo Institutions and the Benefits of Institutional Deviations”. International Review of Entrepreneurship 15(1), 1–14. 12 juni 2017 Henrekson, Magnus (2017). ”Taxation of Swedish Firm Owners: The Great Reversal from the 1970s to the 2010s”. Nordic Tax Journal (1), 26–46. 10 april 2017 Henrekson, Magnus och Mikael Stenkula (2017). ”The Entrepreneurial Rent: The Value of and Compensation for Entrepreneurship”. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy 6(1), 11–25. 01 april 2016 Bergh, Andreas och Magnus Henrekson (2016). ”Government Size and Growth: A Rejoinder”. Journal of Economic Surveys 30(2), 393–396. 01 juni 2016 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2016). ”Evasive Entrepreneurship”. Small Business Economics 47(1), 95–113. 15 augusti 2016 Elert, Niklas, Magnus Henrekson och Joakim Wernberg (2016). ”Two Sides to the Evasion: The Pirate Bay and the Interdependencies of Evasive Entrepreneurship”. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy 5(2), 176–200. 01 januari 2016 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2016). ”Owner–Level Taxes and Business Activity”. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship 12(1), 1–94. 01 november 2016 Henrekson, Magnus och Daniel Waldenström (2016). ”Inheritance Taxation in Sweden, 1885–2004: The Role of Ideology, Family Firms and Tax Avoidance”. Economic History Review 69(4), 1228–1254. 01 oktober 2014 Henrekson, Magnus (2014). ”Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Human Flourishing”. Small Business Economics 43(3), 511–528. 01 januari 2014 Henrekson, Magnus (2014). ”How Labor Market Institutions Affect Job Creation and Productivity Growth”. IZA World of Labor (38). 01 maj 2014 Henrekson, Magnus och Gunnar Du Rietz (2014). ”The Rise and Fall of Swedish Wealth Taxation”. Nordic Tax Journal 1(1), 9–35. 04 februari 2014 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2014). ”Small Business Activity Does not Measure Entrepreneurship”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(5), 1760–1765. 01 februari 2013 Braunerhjelm, Pontus och Magnus Henrekson (2013). ”Entrepreneurship, Institutions, and Economic Dynamism: Lessons from a Comparison of the United States and Sweden”. Industrial and Corporate Change 22(1), 107–130. 01 mars 2012 Henrekson, Magnus och Ulf Jakobsson (2012). ”The Swedish Corporate Control Model: Convergence, Persistence or Decline?”. Corporate Governance: An International Review 20(2), 212–227. 01 december 2011 Bergh, Andreas och Magnus Henrekson (2011). ”Government Size and Growth: A Survey and Interpretation”. Journal of Economic Surveys 25(5), 872–897. 01 augusti 2011 Durevall, Dick och Magnus Henrekson (2011). ”The Futile Quest for a Grand Explanation of Long–Run Government Expenditure”. Journal of Public Economics 95, 708–722. 01 januari 2011 Henrekson, Magnus (2011). ”Perspectives on the Success and Early History of the Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research (IUI)”. History of Economic Ideas 19(1), 125–146. 01 september 2011 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2011). ”Entrepreneurship and the Theory of Taxation”. Small Business Economics 37(2), 167–185. 01 mars 2011 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2011). ”The Interaction of Entrepreneurship and Institutions”. Journal of Institutional Economics 7(1), 47–75. 01 december 2011 Henrekson, Magnus och Daniel Waldenström (2011). ”How Should Research Performance Be Measured? A Study of Swedish Economists”. Manchester School 79(6), 1139–1156. 01 augusti 2010 Douhan, Robin och Magnus Henrekson (2010). ”Entrepreneurship and Second–best Institutions: Going Beyond Baumol’s Typology”. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 20(4), 629–643. 01 september 2010 Henrekson, Magnus och Dan Johansson (2010). ”Gazelles as Job Creators: A Survey and Interpretation of the Evidence”. Small Business Economics 35(2), 227–244. 01 september 2010 Henrekson, Magnus, Dan Johansson och Mikael Stenkula (2010). ”Taxation, Labor Market Policy and High–Impact Entrepreneurship”. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 10(3-4), 275–296. 01 januari 2010 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2010). ”Bridging the Gap Between Entrepreneurship Research and Mainstream Economics: Review of William J. Baumol’s The Microtheory of Innovative Entrepreneurship”. Journal of Economic Literature 48(3), 769–774. 01 maj 2009 Braunerhjelm, Pontus och Magnus Henrekson (2009). ”Awarding Entrepreneurship Research: A Presentation of the Global Award”. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 33(3), 809–814. 01 januari 2009 Henrekson, Magnus och Dan Johansson (2009). ”Competencies and Institutions Fostering High–Growth Firms”. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship 5(1), 1–80. 01 januari 2009 Henrekson, Magnus och Anders Lundström (2009). ”The Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research”. Small Business Economics 32(1), 1–14. 01 januari 2009 Henrekson, Magnus och Mikael Stenkula (2009). ”Why Are There So Few Female Top Executives in Egalitarian Welfare States?”. Independent Review 14(2), 239–270. 01 maj 2007 Douhan, Robin, Gunnar Eliasson och Magnus Henrekson (2007). ”Israel M. Kirzner: An Outstanding Austrian Contributor to the Economics of Entrepreneurship”. Small Business Economics 29, 213–223. 01 januari 2007 Henrekson, Magnus (2007). ”Entrepreneurship and Institutions”. Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal 28(4), 717–742. 01 januari 2006 Fölster, Stefan och Magnus Henrekson (2006). ”Growth Effects of Government Expenditure and Taxation in Rich Countries. A Reply”. European Economic Review 50(1), 219–221. 01 juni 2006 Henrekson, Magnus (2006). ”Entrepreneurship and the Welfare State. A Reply”. Industrial and Corporate Change 15(3), 579–593. 01 mars 2003 Henrekson, Magnus och Ulf Jakobsson (2003). ”The Transformation of Ownership Policy and Structure in Sweden: Convergence towards the Anglo–Saxon Model?”. New Political Economy 8(1), 73–102. 01 augusti 2001 Fölster, Stefan och Magnus Henrekson (2001). ”Growth Effects of Government Expenditure and Taxation in Rich Countries”. European Economic Review 45(8), 1501–1520. 01 maj 2001 Henrekson, Magnus och Ulf Jakobsson (2001). ”Where Schumpeter Was Nearly Right – The Swedish Model and Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy”. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 11(3), 331–358. 01 januari 2000 Du Rietz, Anita och Magnus Henrekson (2000). ”Testing the Female Underperformance Hypothesis”. Small Business Economics 14(1), 1–10. 01 januari 1999 Davis, Steven J. och Magnus Henrekson (1999). ”Explaining National Differences in the Size and Industry Distribution of Employment”. Small Business Economics 12(1), 59–83. 01 juni 1999 Fölster, Stefan och Magnus Henrekson (1999). ”Growth and the Public Sector: A Critique of the Critics”. European Journal of Political Economy 15(2), 337–358. 01 januari 1999 Henrekson, Magnus och Dan Johansson (1999). ”Institutional Effects on the Evolution of the Size Distribution of Firms”. Small Business Economics 12(1), 11–23. 01 augusti 1997 Henrekson, Magnus, Johan Torstensson och Rasha Torstensson (1997). ”Growth Effects of European Integration”. European Economic Review 41(8), 1537–1557. 01 november 1996 Henrekson, Magnus (1996). ”Sweden's Relative Economic Performance: Lagging Behind or Staying on Top?”. Economic Journal 106(439), 1747–1759.
03 mars 2025 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2025). ”The Profit Motive in the Classroom—Friend or Foe?”. Journal of School Choice 19(1), 163–186.
02 januari 2025 Henrekson, Magnus och Dan Johansson (kommande). ”Neo-Schumpeterian Growth Theory: Missing Entrepreneurs Results in Incomplete Policy Advice”. Small Business Economics.
13 februari 2025 Henrekson, Magnus, Lars Jonung och Mats Lundahl (2025). ”Not Just the Top Five Journals: A Recipe for European Economists”. Economic Affairs 45(1), 123–131.
02 januari 2024 Henrekson, Magnus, Dan Johansson och Johan Karlsson (2024). ”To Be or Not to Be: The Entrepreneur in Neo-Schumpeterian Growth Theory”. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 48(1), 104–140.
01 juli 2024 Henrekson, Magnus, Christian Sandström och Mikael Stenkula (2024). ”Seven Reasons Why Mission-Oriented Innovation Policies Seldom Work in Practice”. Economic Affairs 44(2), 354–362.
14 juni 2023 Foss, Nicolai J. m.fl. (2023). ”Saras Sarasvathy: Recipient of the 2022 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research”. Small Business Economics 61(1), 1–10.
26 maj 2023 Henrekson, Magnus och Johan Wennström (2023). ”The View of Knowledge: An Institutional Theory of Differences in Educational Quality”. Independent Review 27(4), 511–532.
07 juni 2022 Bjuggren, Carl Magnus och Magnus Henrekson (2022). ”Female Self-Employment: Prevalence and Performance Effects of Having a High-Income Spouse”. Small Business Economics 59(1), 163–181.
30 september 2022 Boudreaux, Christopher J., Niklas Elert, Magnus Henrekson och David S. Lucas (2022). ”Entrepreneurial Accessibility, Eudaimonic Well-Being, and Inequality”. Small Business Economics 59(3), 1061–1079.
13 januari 2022 Coad, Alex m.fl. (2022). ”John Haltiwanger: Recipient of the 2020 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research”. Small Business Economics 58(1), 15–25.
03 oktober 2022 Forslund, Eva och Magnus Henrekson (2022). ”The Virtues of Native Discourse: Striking a Balance Between English and the Native Language”. Econ Journal Watch 19(2), 258–282.
16 augusti 2022 Henrekson, Magnus, Anders Kärnä och Tino Sanandaji (2022). ”Schumpeterian Entrepreneurship: Coveted by Policymakers but Impervious to Top-Down Policymaking”. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 32(3), 867–890.
08 februari 2021 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2021). ”Entrepreneurship Prompts Institutional Change in Developing Economies”. Review of Austrian Economics 34(1), 33–53.
08 juni 2021 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2021). ”Innovative Entrepreneurship as a Collaborative Effort: An Institutional Framework”. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship 17(4), 330–435.
04 februari 2021 Ferguson, Shon, Magnus Henrekson och Louise Johannesson (2021). ”Getting the Facts Right on Born Globals”. Small Business Economics 56(1), 259–276.
18 november 2021 Henrekson, Magnus, Erik Lakomaa och Tino Sanandaji (2021). ”The Interaction of Schumpeterian Institutional Entrepreneurship and Hayekian Institutional Change in Innovative Industries”. International Review of Entrepreneurship 19(3), 387–410.
13 oktober 2021 Henrekson, Magnus , Odd Lyssarides och Jan Ottosson (2021). ”The Social Background of Elite Executives: The Swedish Case”. Management & Organizational History 16(1), 65–87.
01 augusti 2020 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2020). ”Collaborative Innovation Blocs and Antifragility”. Journal of Institutional Economics 16(4), 537–552.
01 januari 2020 Henrekson, Magnus (2020). ”How Labor Market Institutions Affect Job Creation and Productivity Growth – An Update”. IZA World of Labor 38, 1–10.
03 maj 2020 Henrekson, Magnus, Dan Johansson och Mikael Stenkula (2020). ”The Rise and Decline of Industrial Foundations as Controlling Owners of Swedish Listed Firms: The Role of Tax Incentives”. Scandinavian Economic History Review 68(2), 170–191.
01 juli 2020 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2020). ”Measuring Entrepreneurship: Do Established Metrics Capture Schumpeterian Entrepreneurship?”. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 44(4), 733–760.
01 maj 2019 Ek, Simon och Magnus Henrekson (2019). ”The Geography and Concentration of Authorship in the Top Five: Implications for European Economics”. Scottish Journal of Political Economy 66(2), 215–245.
01 december 2019 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2019). ”The Collaborative Innovation Bloc: A New Mission for Austrian Economics”. Review of Austrian Economics 32(4), 295–320.
01 december 2019 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2019). ”The Collaborative Innovation Bloc: A Reply to Our Commentators”. Review of Austrian Economics 32(4), 349–361.
01 januari 2019 Ferguson, Shon och Magnus Henrekson (2019). ”The Long–Run Performance of Born Globals in Computing: The Role of Digital Platforms”. International Review of Entrepreneurship 17(3), 257–280.
01 oktober 2019 Henrekson, Magnus och Johan Wennström (2019). ”‘Post–truth’ Schooling and Marketized Education: Explaining the Decline in Sweden's School Quality”. Journal of Institutional Economics 15(5), 897–914.
01 augusti 2018 Economidou, Claire, Luca Grilli, Magnus Henrekson och Mark Sanders (2018). ”Financial and Institutional Reforms for an Entrepreneurial Society”. Small Business Economics 51(2), 279–291.
01 januari 2018 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2018). ”Schumpeterian Entrepreneurship in Europe Compared to Other Industrialized Regions”. International Review of Entrepreneurship 16(2), 157–182.
02 januari 2018 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2018). ”Stock Option Taxation and Venture Capital Activity: A Cross–Country Study”. Venture Capital 20(1), 51–71.
01 augusti 2018 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2018). ”Stock Option Taxation: A Missing Piece in European Innovation Policy?”. Small Business Economics 51(2), 411–424.
01 mars 2017 Edquist, Harald och Magnus Henrekson (2017). ”Do R&D and ICT Affect Total Factor Productivity Growth Differently?”. Telecommunications Policy 41(2), 106–119.
01 september 2017 Edquist, Harald och Magnus Henrekson (2017). ”Swedish Lessons: How Important are ICT and R&D to Economic Growth?”. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 42, 1–12.
01 januari 2017 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2017). ”Entrepreneurship and Institutions: A Bidirectional Relationship”. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship 13(3), 191–263.
01 januari 2017 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2017). ”Status Quo Institutions and the Benefits of Institutional Deviations”. International Review of Entrepreneurship 15(1), 1–14.
12 juni 2017 Henrekson, Magnus (2017). ”Taxation of Swedish Firm Owners: The Great Reversal from the 1970s to the 2010s”. Nordic Tax Journal (1), 26–46.
10 april 2017 Henrekson, Magnus och Mikael Stenkula (2017). ”The Entrepreneurial Rent: The Value of and Compensation for Entrepreneurship”. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy 6(1), 11–25.
01 april 2016 Bergh, Andreas och Magnus Henrekson (2016). ”Government Size and Growth: A Rejoinder”. Journal of Economic Surveys 30(2), 393–396.
01 juni 2016 Elert, Niklas och Magnus Henrekson (2016). ”Evasive Entrepreneurship”. Small Business Economics 47(1), 95–113.
15 augusti 2016 Elert, Niklas, Magnus Henrekson och Joakim Wernberg (2016). ”Two Sides to the Evasion: The Pirate Bay and the Interdependencies of Evasive Entrepreneurship”. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy 5(2), 176–200.
01 januari 2016 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2016). ”Owner–Level Taxes and Business Activity”. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship 12(1), 1–94.
01 november 2016 Henrekson, Magnus och Daniel Waldenström (2016). ”Inheritance Taxation in Sweden, 1885–2004: The Role of Ideology, Family Firms and Tax Avoidance”. Economic History Review 69(4), 1228–1254.
01 oktober 2014 Henrekson, Magnus (2014). ”Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Human Flourishing”. Small Business Economics 43(3), 511–528.
01 januari 2014 Henrekson, Magnus (2014). ”How Labor Market Institutions Affect Job Creation and Productivity Growth”. IZA World of Labor (38).
01 maj 2014 Henrekson, Magnus och Gunnar Du Rietz (2014). ”The Rise and Fall of Swedish Wealth Taxation”. Nordic Tax Journal 1(1), 9–35.
04 februari 2014 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2014). ”Small Business Activity Does not Measure Entrepreneurship”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(5), 1760–1765.
01 februari 2013 Braunerhjelm, Pontus och Magnus Henrekson (2013). ”Entrepreneurship, Institutions, and Economic Dynamism: Lessons from a Comparison of the United States and Sweden”. Industrial and Corporate Change 22(1), 107–130.
01 mars 2012 Henrekson, Magnus och Ulf Jakobsson (2012). ”The Swedish Corporate Control Model: Convergence, Persistence or Decline?”. Corporate Governance: An International Review 20(2), 212–227.
01 december 2011 Bergh, Andreas och Magnus Henrekson (2011). ”Government Size and Growth: A Survey and Interpretation”. Journal of Economic Surveys 25(5), 872–897.
01 augusti 2011 Durevall, Dick och Magnus Henrekson (2011). ”The Futile Quest for a Grand Explanation of Long–Run Government Expenditure”. Journal of Public Economics 95, 708–722.
01 januari 2011 Henrekson, Magnus (2011). ”Perspectives on the Success and Early History of the Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research (IUI)”. History of Economic Ideas 19(1), 125–146.
01 september 2011 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2011). ”Entrepreneurship and the Theory of Taxation”. Small Business Economics 37(2), 167–185.
01 mars 2011 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2011). ”The Interaction of Entrepreneurship and Institutions”. Journal of Institutional Economics 7(1), 47–75.
01 december 2011 Henrekson, Magnus och Daniel Waldenström (2011). ”How Should Research Performance Be Measured? A Study of Swedish Economists”. Manchester School 79(6), 1139–1156.
01 augusti 2010 Douhan, Robin och Magnus Henrekson (2010). ”Entrepreneurship and Second–best Institutions: Going Beyond Baumol’s Typology”. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 20(4), 629–643.
01 september 2010 Henrekson, Magnus och Dan Johansson (2010). ”Gazelles as Job Creators: A Survey and Interpretation of the Evidence”. Small Business Economics 35(2), 227–244.
01 september 2010 Henrekson, Magnus, Dan Johansson och Mikael Stenkula (2010). ”Taxation, Labor Market Policy and High–Impact Entrepreneurship”. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 10(3-4), 275–296.
01 januari 2010 Henrekson, Magnus och Tino Sanandaji (2010). ”Bridging the Gap Between Entrepreneurship Research and Mainstream Economics: Review of William J. Baumol’s The Microtheory of Innovative Entrepreneurship”. Journal of Economic Literature 48(3), 769–774.
01 maj 2009 Braunerhjelm, Pontus och Magnus Henrekson (2009). ”Awarding Entrepreneurship Research: A Presentation of the Global Award”. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 33(3), 809–814.
01 januari 2009 Henrekson, Magnus och Dan Johansson (2009). ”Competencies and Institutions Fostering High–Growth Firms”. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship 5(1), 1–80.
01 januari 2009 Henrekson, Magnus och Anders Lundström (2009). ”The Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research”. Small Business Economics 32(1), 1–14.
01 januari 2009 Henrekson, Magnus och Mikael Stenkula (2009). ”Why Are There So Few Female Top Executives in Egalitarian Welfare States?”. Independent Review 14(2), 239–270.
01 maj 2007 Douhan, Robin, Gunnar Eliasson och Magnus Henrekson (2007). ”Israel M. Kirzner: An Outstanding Austrian Contributor to the Economics of Entrepreneurship”. Small Business Economics 29, 213–223.
01 januari 2007 Henrekson, Magnus (2007). ”Entrepreneurship and Institutions”. Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal 28(4), 717–742.
01 januari 2006 Fölster, Stefan och Magnus Henrekson (2006). ”Growth Effects of Government Expenditure and Taxation in Rich Countries. A Reply”. European Economic Review 50(1), 219–221.
01 juni 2006 Henrekson, Magnus (2006). ”Entrepreneurship and the Welfare State. A Reply”. Industrial and Corporate Change 15(3), 579–593.
01 mars 2003 Henrekson, Magnus och Ulf Jakobsson (2003). ”The Transformation of Ownership Policy and Structure in Sweden: Convergence towards the Anglo–Saxon Model?”. New Political Economy 8(1), 73–102.
01 augusti 2001 Fölster, Stefan och Magnus Henrekson (2001). ”Growth Effects of Government Expenditure and Taxation in Rich Countries”. European Economic Review 45(8), 1501–1520.
01 maj 2001 Henrekson, Magnus och Ulf Jakobsson (2001). ”Where Schumpeter Was Nearly Right – The Swedish Model and Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy”. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 11(3), 331–358.
01 januari 2000 Du Rietz, Anita och Magnus Henrekson (2000). ”Testing the Female Underperformance Hypothesis”. Small Business Economics 14(1), 1–10.
01 januari 1999 Davis, Steven J. och Magnus Henrekson (1999). ”Explaining National Differences in the Size and Industry Distribution of Employment”. Small Business Economics 12(1), 59–83.
01 juni 1999 Fölster, Stefan och Magnus Henrekson (1999). ”Growth and the Public Sector: A Critique of the Critics”. European Journal of Political Economy 15(2), 337–358.
01 januari 1999 Henrekson, Magnus och Dan Johansson (1999). ”Institutional Effects on the Evolution of the Size Distribution of Firms”. Small Business Economics 12(1), 11–23.
01 augusti 1997 Henrekson, Magnus, Johan Torstensson och Rasha Torstensson (1997). ”Growth Effects of European Integration”. European Economic Review 41(8), 1537–1557.
01 november 1996 Henrekson, Magnus (1996). ”Sweden's Relative Economic Performance: Lagging Behind or Staying on Top?”. Economic Journal 106(439), 1747–1759.