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Presenter/corresponding author marked with (*).

Monday June 12

08.50-09.00 WELCOME

09.00-10.30 Law and economics (room Ragnar)

Alexis Stevenson, Tuomas Takalo and Otto Toivonen*
"The incentive and welfare effects of the European unitary patent"
Discussant: Johan Stennek (

Jan Bouckaert and Johan Stennek*
"Conflicts of interest, ethical standards, and competition in legal services"
Discussant: Johan Callermo (

Johan Callermo*
"Case law in European merger control"
Discussant: Mats Bergman (

10.30-10.45 Coffee break

10.45-11.45 Passenger transport (room Ragnar)

Anantha Divakaruni and Paula Navarro*
"Input technology and airline pricing"
Discussant: Miika Heinonen (

Riku Buri, Miika Heinonen*, Jonatan Kanervo and Joel Karjalainen
"The effects of entry deregulation: Evidence from passenger transport"
Discussant: Paula Navarro (

10.45-11.45 Energy markets (room Torsten)

Lisa Ryan and Ewa Lazarczyk*
"Integrating European electricity markets – Does it make a difference?"
Discussant: Giacomo Benini (

Giacomo Benini*, Adam Brandt, Valerio Dotti, Hassan El-Houjeiri and Wolf Fichtner
"The environmental consequences of the petroleum industry extensive margin"
Discussant: Ewa Lazarczyk (

12.00-13.15 Lunch at Hotell Birger Jarl

13.30-15.00 Platforms and infrastructure (Ragnar)

Charlotte Bjørnhaug Evensen and Atle Haugen*
"The impact of targeting technologies and consumer multi-homing on digital platform competition"
Discussant: Jiekai Zhang (

Jiekai Zhang*
"Welfare analysis of regulations on media platform advertising"
Discussant: Matilda Orth (

Florin Maican and Matilda Orth*
"Measuring the dynamic effects of buiding fast broadband infrastructure"
Discussant: Atle Haugen (

13.30-15.00 Natural resources (Torsten)

Geert Van Moer*
"Horizontal agreements about the use of a natural resource"
Discussant: Fridrik Baldursson (

Fridrik Mar Baldursson* and Nils-Henrik von der Fehr
"Natural resources and sovereign expropriation with moral hazard"
Discussant: Johannes Mauritzen (

Johannes Mauritzen*
"Drill! Maybe. Drill? The effects of competition and industry microstructure on petroleum drilling: Evidence from the Norwegian Continental Shelf"
Discussant: Geert Van Moer (

15.00-15.15 Coffee break

15.15-16.45 Market performance (Ragnar)

Jan Jääskeläinen, Samuli Leppälä and Anni Väättänen*
"Effects of taxi market deregulation: Evidence from a natural experiment"
Discussant: Øystein Foros (

Per Hjertstrand and Thomas Tangerås*
"Nonparametric tests for perfect competition - With an application to the Nordic wholesale electricity market"
Discussant: Nils Henrik M. von der Fehr (

Øystein Foros*, Richard Friberg, Hans Jarle Kind, Greg Shaffer and Frode Steen
"Media attention and price competition: Evidence from Norwegian grocery retailing"
Discussant: Anni Väättänen (

15.15-16.45 Finance and markets (Torsten)

Tove Forsbacka*
"How do common owners coordinate - Is it the proxy advice industry?"
Discussant: Yingjie Qui (

David Granlund* and Niklas Rudholm
"Calculating the probability of collusion based on observed price patterns"
Discussant: Tove Forsbacka (

Niklas Amberg, Tor Jacobsen and Yingjie Qi*
"Financing trade credit"
Discussant: David Granlund (

18:30 Dinner at restaurant Himlen


Tuesday June 13

09.00-10.30 Competition and procurement (Ragnar)

Samielle Drake* and Fei Xu
"Regulation and competition in public procurement"
Discussant: Emil Mathias Strøm Halseth (

Susmita Baulia*, Jan Jääskeläinen, Janne Tukiainen and Joosua Virtanen
"Centralized public procurement and favoritism"
Discussant: Samielle Drake (

Emil Mathias Strøm Halseth*
"Competition and grocery retail formats: Empirical evidence from a horizontal acquisition in Norway"
Discussant: Milla Hägg (

09.00-10.30 Pricing of retail markets (Torsten)

Tyra Merker*
"Explaining uniform pricing in retail markets - The role of consumer self-sorting"
Discussant: Alina Ozhegova (

Alina Ozhegova*
"Assortment choice and market power under uniform pricing"
Discussant: Tuomas Markkula (

Hanna Lindström*
"Price transmission for organic and conventional milk products in Sweden"
Tyra Merker (

10.30-10.45 Coffee break

10.45-11.45 Vertical relations (Ragnar)

Fredrik Andersson*
"The cost-vs.-quality tradeoff in make-or-buy decisions"
Discussant: Malin Arve (

Malin Arve*, Øystein Foros, Hans Jarle Kind
"Business-to-business negotiations with outside options"
Discussant: Fredrik Andersson (

10.45-11.45 Empirical analysis of markets (Torsten)

Christophe Bellégo and Andreea Enache*
"Congestion and Market Expansion: Timing of New Movie Releases in Paris Theaters"
Discussant: Florin Maican (

Erik Lundin*
"Wind power approval, decentralization and NIMBYism: Evidence from the Swedish greens"
Discussant: Joakim Wikström (

12.00-13.15 Lunch at Hotell Birger Jarl

13.30-15.00 Health and IO (Ragnar)

Mika Kortelainen, Jaakko Markkanen*, Markku Siikanen and Otto Toivanen
"The effects of price regulation on pharmaceutical expenditure and availability"
Discussant: Aljoscha Janssen (

Enrico Maria Camarda*
"Welfare effects of outcome-based prices in the English national healthcare"
Discussant: Jaakko Markkanen (

Aljoscha Janssen*
"Product variety and alcohol purchases"
Discussant: Enrico Maria Camarda (

13.30-15.00 Market theory (Torsten)

Edward Andersson and Pär Holmberg*
"Multi-unit auctions with uncertain supply and single-unit demand"
Discussant: Topi Mietinen (

Jacopo Bizzotto*, Toomas Hinnosaar and Adrien Vigier
"The limits of commitment"
Discussant: Pär Holmberg (

Fabio Michelucci and Topi Miettinen*
"Markets for persuasive information"
Discussant: Jacobo Bizotto (

15.00-15.15 Farewell - concluding remarks. Next Norio!