31 December 2016
Research seminars
Responsible for the seminar series was Niclas Berggren
31 December 2016
28 November 2016
What the research can teach us about automation
What can we learn from the research on automation and digitalization? This question was answered at a seminar organized by IFN on Monday. Keynote speaker was Professor Melanie Arntz, ZEW in Mannheim…

2 September 2016
The idea is the idea of growth
On Friday, September 2 well-known economist Deirdre McCloskey, professor at University of Illinois at Chicago, opened a seminar entitled "The idea is the idea of growth". Bettina Kashefi, chief econom…

28 June 2016
The moral psychology of economic life & What the hell is happening to western democracies?
Psychology is crucial to understanding today's society, explained Professor Jonathan Haidt, Stern School of Business at New York University, during a breakfast seminar in Stockholm. He commented on Br…

19 June 2016
International conference on entrepreneurship research
June 18–19, 2016, the Institute for Research of Industrial Economics (IFN), in cooperation with the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), organized the Third CEPR European Workshop on Entreprene…

16 June 2016
Digitization can benefit Swedish business
On June 16, the ESO report "Digitaliseringens dynamik” (Digitization dynamics) was presented. The study is authored by IFN researchers Fredrik Heyman, John Norbäck and Lars Persson. They are among the…

10 June 2016
How should public services be financed, organized and delivered?
June 9─10 a group of researchers from Sweden, United States and Britain attended IFN’s annual academic conference in Vaxholm. This year’s topic was “Efficient Provision of Public Services”, within the…

11 May 2016
The Global Award goes to Philippe Aghion
On Tuesday Professor Philippe Aghion, Collège de France, received the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research 2016. The award ceremony was held at Grand Hotel in Stockholm. Faced with an ample audi…

15 March 2016
New Report: Create fairness between generations!
On Tuesday Harold James, Professor of History and International Affairs, Princeton University, presented the 2016 EEAG Report and a chapter about intergenerational fairness in today’s Europe. Mats Per…

19 January 2016
Entrepreneurs create growth, but who creates entrepreneurs?
"Entrepreneurs create growth, but who creates entrepreneurs?" was the title of a seminar that IFN, in cooperation with the publisher Studentlitteratur, arranged on January 19. A renowned panel discuss…