Activities 2014
31 December 2014
Research seminars
Responsible for the seminar series was Niclas Berggren
31 December 2014
3 December 2014
"And the Global Award 2014 goes to Shaker Zahra ..."
Shaker Zahra, Professor at the Carlson School of Management at University of Minnesota, USA, received the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research 2014 on Wednesday. This Prize has been awarded annu…

26 November 2014
At a research seminar Michael Stenkula, IFN, presented the last component of the first systematic survey of the Swedish tax system – from 1862 to the present day. He showed how the Swedish tax system…

25 November 2014
Profit vs. quality in welfare services?
The Social Democrats, the Green Party and the Left Party recently announced an agreement on "welfare without profit motive". A commission will submit proposals on how the revenue can be limited in fir…

18 November 2014
Many participated in 75th anniversary
IFN was founded in 1939 – then named Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research (IUI). This vital 75 year old was celebrated on Monday with a seminar. Three new books about the institute we…

6 November 2014
Beware of crony capitalism!
Luigi Zingales, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, is critical of crony capitalism, where special interests capture political decision-m…

10 October 2014
Difficult but not impossible to evaluate quality in elderly care
It is difficult to measure the quality in elderly care. The participants agreed on this at a seminar organized by the SNS on the report Att styra och leda äldreomsorg. Hur går det till och vad kan för…

28 August 2014
Sweden is still a capitalist welfare state
Costs started to soar in the 70s, explained Andreas Bergh and Assar Lindbeck at a seminar organized by IFN, when discussing about the Swedish welfare state. They agreed that the Swedish welfare system…

19 August 2014
How the teaching profession was dismantled
In a brand new book Johan Wennström, IFN, uncovers how politicians from both left and right undermined the professional pride and independence of Swedish schoolteachers for decades. According to the a…

1 July 2014
"We cannot rest on our laurels"
The Swedish self-image as a future knowledge-driven economy is quite feasible to implement. Though, it requires a number of changes, writes Magnus Henrekson, IFN, in the book Position Sverige – Om inn…

29 June 2014
Full house at seminar in Almedalen
A report written by Jannis Angelis and Henrik Jordahl, IFN was presented by SNS at a well-attended seminar during the first day of a week of policymaking and debate in Almedalen. The report – Att styr…

17 June 2014
Entrepreneurs generate growth
Entrepreneurship was the theme of a seminar that IFN arranged Tuesday. Besides Magnus Henrekson and Joacim Tåg, IFN, Lena Apler, Chairman Collector, was part of the panel. In an introductory presentat…

13 June 2014
International conference about electricity markets
I have come to find out what others are working on and to get feedback on my own work, said Frank A. Wolak, Stanford University when asked about IFN's annual international research conference held in…

27 May 2014
Reform assistance to small businesses
The Swedish government should invest in small and risky projects only in early phases, explained Roger Svensson, IFN , when he presented a report, “ Government funding in small businesses”, published…

26 May 2014
Taxes stop many from becoming entrepreneurs
"Tax cuts affecting entrepreneurs have partially been aimed in the wrong direction," said Tino Sanandaji , IFN , when he and Magnus Henrekson, IFN, unveiled an ESO study – Entrepreneurship conditions…

20 May 2014
Mölle -- a Swedish version of Davos
For the 16th time The Swedish Network for European Studies in Economics (SNEE) is arranging a four-day research conference in Mölle, Skåne, on May 20 to 23. The initiator and driving force of this end…

7 May 2014
Reform government funded support for entrepeneurs!
Roger Svensson, IFN, is the author of a study "Successful support for R & D, innovation and entrepreneurship," which was presented by the think tank Fores on Wednesday. Roger Svensson argues that…

2 April 2014
There are no neutral compensation models. Each offers incentives and thus it is important to determine what you want to achieve, explained researcher Peter Lindgren, author of the report Reimbursement…

25 March 2014
Welfare services: licensing, supervision and monitoring
On Tuesday a new research report was presented – Welfare services: licensing, supervision and monitoring, authored by Eva Hagbjer. The report is published by SNS (Centre for Business and Policy Studie…

10 March 2014
The World Bank on Swedish business climate
The World Bank on behalf of the Swedish Government has conducted a study of the business environment. On Monday the first part of the report was presented at a seminar in Stockholm. Augusto Lopez - Cl…

20 February 2014
Report on privatization in elderly care
Henrik Jordahl, IFN, and Mats Bergman, Södertörn University, unveiled on Thursday a new report on the Swedish market for elderly care. They reckon that "both home care and assisted living facilities […

6 February 2014
New Report: No to Swedish Patent Boxes
The report Patentboxar som indirekt FOU-stöd (Patent boxes as indirect R & D support) is authored by Roger Svensson, IFN, and was presented by Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum at a seminar on Februa…

5 February 2014
EU and the Super Entrepreneurs
Magnus Henrekson and Tino Sanandaji, IFN, argue in EU och de globala obalanserna – Europaperspektiv 2013 (EU and global imbalances. Perspective on Europe 2013) for a new way of measuring entrepreneurs…