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Morality – the Forgotten Key to Prosperity

26 September 2013

Thursday September 26, IFN organized a seminar with Professor David Rose, University of Missouri-St Louis, who presented his book Moral Foundation of Economic Behavior. Inga-Britt Ahlenius, former Director General of the Swedish National Audit Office and Niclas Berggren, Associate Professor, IFN, commented. Faced with an eloquent audience David Rose explained his thoughts on why opportunism thrive in large groups and how we can embrace a morality that makes it feel wrong to execute a certain action, even if a person does not come to harm - albeit a larger group.

In the photo can be seen from left, Niclas Berggren, Inga-Britt Ahlenius, David Rose and Thomas Gür, who moderated the seminar. Photo by: Fredrik Eriksson.

Listen to an audio file from the seminar, including David Rose's presentation as well as comments by Inga-Britt Ahlenius and Niclas Berggren.