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Brown bag seminars

2009-12-07 11:30
Konrad Raff, SIFR, Stockholm School of Economics
"Performance Pay, CEO Dismissal and the dual Role of Takeovers"

2009-11-16 11:30
Björn Öckert, IFAU
"The intergenerational transmission of cognitive and non-cognitive abilities"
co-authors Erik Grönqvist and Jonas Vlachos

2009-11-09 11:30
Shon Ferguson, Stockholm University
"Endogenous Sunk Costs, Exporting and Heterogeneous Firms”

2009-10-26 11:30
Tomas Tangerås, IFN
”Kollektiv anslutning av TV/bredband – ett konkurrensproblem?”

2009-10-12 11:30
Lars Oxelheim, IFN and Lund University
"Internationalization of the Firm and Its Board"
co-authors Aleksandra Gregoric, Trond Randøy and Steen Thomsen

2009-08-17 11:30
Sebastian Giwa, Stockholm School of Economics
"Commitment and Impasses in Negotiation - Two Experiments"

2009-06-15 11:30
Helena Svaleryd, IFN
"Utvecklingskraft och omställningsförmåga. En globaliserad svensk ekonomi."
(co-authors Pontus Braunerhjelm and Camilo von Greiff)

2009-06-15 11:30
Helena Svaleryd, IFN
"Utvecklingskraft och omställningsförmåga. En globaliserad svensk ekonomi"
co-authors: Pontus Braunerhjelm and Camilo von Greiff

2009-06-08 11:30
Harald Edquist, IFN
"Can Investment in Intangibles Explain the Swedish Productivity Boom in the 1990s?"

2009-06-08 11:30
Harald Edquist, IFN
"Can Investment in Intangibles Explain the Swedish Productivity Boom in the 1990s?"

2009-03-30 11:30
Che-Yuan Liang, Uppsala University
"Nonparametric Estimation of Female Labor Supply"

2009-03-30 11:30
Che-Yuan Liang, Uppsala University
"Nonparametric Estimation of Female Labor Supply"

2009-02-23 11:30
Eileen Fumagalli, University Bocconi
"Waiting to Merge"
(co-author Tore Nilssen)

2009-02-23 11:30
Eileen Fumagalli, University of Bocconi
"Waiting to Merge"
co-author: Tore Nilssen

2009-02-09 11:30
Fredrik Heyman and Fredrik Sjöholm, IFN
"Multinational Firms and Job Tasks"
(co-author Katariina Nilsson Hakkala)

2009-01-19 11:30
Pehr-Johan Norbäck, Lars Persson och Joakim Tåg, IFN
"A Theory of Private Equity Buyouts"

2009-01-19 11:30
Pehr-Johan Norbäck, Lars Persson and Joacim Tåg, IFN
"A Theory of Private Equity Buyouts"