Seminars and Calendar
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Research seminar
The Labor-Market Impacts of a Large Merger: Evidence from the Security Guard Industry
David Arnold, UC San Diego
External activity
Measuring the Dynamic Effects of Building Broadband Infrastructure
Matilda Orth, IFN
Florin Maican, University of Gothenburg and IFN
Research seminar
Mind the Cap: The Effects of Regulating Bankers’ Pay
Maddalena Ronchi, Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University
Brown bag seminar
Parental Housing Wealth and Early Adulthood Outcomes
David Sandberg, IFN & Lunds Universitet
Brown bag seminar
Impact Investing and Worker Outcomes
Marcus Lithell, Virginia Tech University, Pamplin College of Business
Research seminar
Tomáš Lichard, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague University of Economics and Business