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Monika Bauhr, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Niclas Berggren, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), Sweden, and Prague University of Economics and Business, Czechia

Christian Bjørnskov, Aarhus University, Denmark, and Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), Sweden

Nabamita Dutta, University of Wisconsin, USA

Johan Graafland, Tilburg University, The Netherlands

Olle Hammar, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), Sweden, and Institute for Future Studies, Sweden

Ilpo Kauppinen, VATT Institute for Economic Research, Finland

Tim Krieger, University of Freiburg, Germany

Robbert Maseland, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

John Meadowcroft, King's College London, United Kingdom

Josef Montag, Charles University, Czechia

Andrea Sáenz de Viteri Vázquez, Prague University of Economics and Business, Czechia

Annemiek Schilpzand, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Ahmed Skali, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Stefan Voigt, University of Hamburg, Germany

Greg Wolcott, the John Templeton Foundation, USA (non-presenting participant)