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Matilda Orth

Associate Professor

Matilda Orth is Associate Professor and Docent of Economics at the Stockholm School of Economics. Her research focuses on productivity, innovations, product and service offerings, pricing, entry decisions, market dynamics and regulations. The research spans a wide range of industries with a particular emphasis on services firms.

She serves as course director and visiting lecturer at the Stockholm School of Economics. She is an economic expert judge at the Patent and Market Court of Appeal and acts as an advisor and expert in legal cases. She has also authored numerous popular science reports.

IFN Researcher

Matilda Orth

+46 (0)8 665 4531
+46 (0)736 42 38 24
Research interests: Competition policy, Consumption, Digitalization, Industrial economics, Market regulations, Retail, Service strategy and design, Technological change

Among the questions that Matilda Orth tries to answer with her research:

How do investments in new technology influence firm productivity and competitiveness?

What role does digital infrastructure play for firm performance and market outcomes?

How do deregulations of entry impact product and service offerings, pricing and quality?


Current writings

Published at IFN
Journal Articles
Working Papers
Articles in Swedish
IFN Newsletter