Book Chapters Show in normal format 22 February 2024 Henrekson, Magnus, Christian Sandström and Mikael Stenkula (2024). “Learning from Overrated Mission-Oriented Innovation Policies: Seven Takeaways”. In Magnus Henrekson, Christian Sandström and Mikael Stenkula (Eds.), Moonshots and the New Industrial Policy (235–255). Cham: Springer. 22 February 2024 Henrekson, Magnus, Christian Sandström and Mikael Stenkula (2024). “Moonshots and the New Industrial Policy: Questioning the Mission Economy”. In Magnus Henrekson, Christian Sandström and Mikael Stenkula (Eds.), Moonshots and the New Industrial Policy (3–28). Cham: Springer. 22 February 2024 Henrekson, Magnus and Mikael Stenkula (2024). “Bottom-Up Policies Trump Top-Down Missions”. In Magnus Henrekson, Christian Sandström and Mikael Stenkula (Eds.), Moonshots and the New Industrial Policy (309–331). Cham: Springer. 10 May 2024 Sundén, David and Magnus Henrekson (2024). “The Sponge-Iron Battle: The Challenges for Fossil-Free Steel Initiatives in Norrland and the Way Forward”. In Magnus Henrekson (Ed.), De norrländska stålsatsningarna – frälsare eller gökunge? (59–78). Stockholm: Samhällsförlaget. 25 April 2022 Elert, Niklas and Magnus Henrekson (2022). “Collaborative Innovation Blocs and Mission-Oriented Innovation Policy: An Ecosystem Perspective”. In Karl Wennberg and Christian Sandström (Eds.), Questioning the Entrepreneurial State. International Studies in Entrepreneurship, vol 53 (345–367). Cham: Springer. 11 May 2022 Elert, Niklas and Magnus Henrekson (2022). “Improved Framework Conditions for a More Entrepreneurial, Innovative and Resilient EU”. In Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Per Ekman, Anna Michalski and Lars Oxelheim (Eds.), Routes to a Resilient European Union (15–38). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 09 August 2022 Henrekson, Magnus and Mikael Stenkula (2022). “William J. Baumol: Innovative Contributor to Entrepreneurship Economics”. In Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall and Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak (Eds.), Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol. 40B. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited. 01 January 2020 Henrekson, Magnus, Özge Öner and Tino Sanandaji (2020). “The Refugee Crisis and the Reinvigoration of the Nation–State: Does the European Union Have a Common Asylum Policy?”. In Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Karin Leijon, Anna Michalski and Lars Oxelheim (Eds.), The European Union and the Return of the Nation State (83–110). Cham, CH: Springer International. 01 January 2018 Henrekson, Magnus (2018). “A Reform Strategy for a More Innovative and Entrepreneurial Europe”. In Emil Ems and Thorvaldur Gylfason (Eds.), Prosperity through Trade and Structural Reform – Festschrift in Honour of Per Magnus Wijkman (175–198). Stockholm: Dialogos Förlag. 01 January 2016 Braunerhjelm, Pontus and Magnus Henrekson (2016). “An Innovation Policy Framework: Bridging the Gap Between Industrial Dynamics and Growth”. In David B. Audretsch and Albert N. Link (Eds.), Essays in Public Sector Entrepreneurship (95–130). New York: Springer. 01 September 2015 Andersson, Martin and Magnus Henrekson (2015). “Local Competitiveness Fostered through Local Institutions for Entrepreneurship”. In David B. Audretsch, Albert N. Link and Mary Walshok (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Local Competitiveness (145–190). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 01 January 2015 Du Rietz, Gunnar and Magnus Henrekson (2015). “Swedish Wealth Taxation (1911–2007)”. In Magnus Henrekson and Mikael Stenkula (Eds.), Swedish Taxation: Developments since 1862 (267–302). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 01 January 2015 Du Rietz, Gunnar, Magnus Henrekson and Daniel Waldenström (2015). “Swedish Inheritance and Gift Taxation (1885–2004)”. In Magnus Henrekson and Mikael Stenkula (Eds.), Swedish Taxation: Developments since 1862 (223–265). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 01 January 2015 Henrekson, Magnus and Tino Sanandaji (2015). “Superentrepreneurship and Global Imbalances: Closing Europe’s Gap to Other Industrialized Regions”. In Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Moa Mårtensson, Lars Oxelheim and Thomas Persson (Eds.), The EU’s Role in Fighting Global Imbalances (56–88). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 01 January 2015 Henrekson, Magnus and Mikael Stenkula (2015). “Taxation in Sweden Since 1862: An Introduction and Overview”. In Magnus Henrekson and Mikael Stenkula (Eds.), Swedish Taxation: Developments since 1862 (267–302). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 01 January 2013 Edquist, Harald and Magnus Henrekson (2013). “Product Market Reforms and Incentives to Innovate in Sweden”. In Maria Choupres and Harald Edquist (Eds.), What Can We Learn from Economic Reforms in Greece and Sweden? (143–198). Brussels: European Liberal Forum. 01 January 2012 Henrekson, Magnus and Tino Sanandaji (2012). “Institutional Entrepreneurship: An Introduction”. In Magnus Henrekson and Tino Sanandaji (Eds.), Institutional Entrepreneurship. The International Library of Entrepreneurship 24 (xi–xxvii). Cheltenham, UK / Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. 01 January 2011 Henrekson, Magnus and Dan Johansson (2011). “Firm Growth, Institutions, and Structural Transformation”. In Michael Fritsch (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Regional Development: National and Regional Perspectives (175–214). Cheltenham, UK / Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. 01 January 2010 Braunerhjelm, Pontus, Magnus Henrekson and Anders Lundström (2010). “The Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research: Its Organization, Objectives and Criteria”. In Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch (Eds.), Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research: An Interdisciplinary Survey and Introduction (xi–xxiii). New York: Springer. 01 January 2010 Davis, Steven J. and Magnus Henrekson (2010). “Economic Performance and Market Work Activity in Sweden after the Crisis of the Early 1990s”. In Richard B. Freeman, Birgitta Swedenborg and Robert H. Topel (Eds.), Reforming the Welfare State: Recovery and Beyond in Sweden (225–252). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 01 January 2010 Henrekson, Magnus and Mikael Stenkula (2010). “Entrepreneurship and Public Policy”. In Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch (Eds.), Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research: An Interdisciplinary Survey and Introduction (595–637). New York: Springer. 01 January 2008 Douhan, Robin and Magnus Henrekson (2008). “The Political Economy of Entrepreneurship: An Introduction”. In Robin Douhan and Magnus Henrekson (Eds.), The Political Economy of Entrepreneurship. Vol. I and II. (xi–xxxi). The International Library of Entrepreneurship 11. Cheltenham, UK / Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. 01 January 2007 Henrekson, Magnus and Jesper Roine (2007). “Promoting Entrepreneurship in the Welfare State”. In David B. Audretsch, Isabel Grilo and A. Roy Thurik (Eds.), The Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship Policy (64–93). Cheltenham, UK / Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. 01 January 2006 Edquist, Harald and Magnus Henrekson (2006). “Technological Breakthroughs and Productivity Growth”. In Alexander J. Field, Gregory Clark and William A. Sundstrom (Eds.), Research in Economic History, Volume 24 (1–53). Bingley: Emerald. 01 January 2005 Henrekson, Magnus and Ulf Jakobsson (2005). “The Swedish Model of Corporate Ownership and Control in Transition”. In Harry Huizinga and Lars Jonung (Eds.), The Internationalisation of Asset Ownership in Europe (p. 207–246). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 01 January 1998 Henrekson, Magnus (1998). “Pre–Requisites for a Strengthened Entrepreneurial Culture in Sweden”. In Joseph P. Kruzich and Anna Fåhraeus (Eds.), What We Can Learn from Silicon Valley: American and Swedish Experiences. Proceedings from a Conference Organized by the Embassy of the United States of America et al (79–110). Stockholm: Embassy of the United States of America. 01 January 1997 Davis, Steven J. and Magnus Henrekson (1997). “Industrial Policy, Employer Size, and Economic Performance in Sweden”. In Richard B. Freeman, Robert Topel and Birgitta Swedenborg (Eds.), The Welfare State in Transition: Reforming the Swedish Model (353–397). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 01 January 1997 Hansson, Pär and Magnus Henrekson (1997). “Catching up, Social Capability, Government Size and Economic Growth”. In Villy Bergström (Ed.), Government and Growth (63–148). Oxford: Clarendon Press. 01 January 1997 Henrekson, Magnus (1997). “Entrepreneurial and Business Conditions in Sweden: Implications for Employment”. In Labor Market Policy and Job Creation. Swedish and U.S. Experiences (21–25). Stockholm: American Embassy. 01 January 1996 Henrekson, Magnus, Lars Jonung and Joakim Stymne (1996). “Economic Growth and the Swedish Model”. In Nicholas F.R. Crafts and Gianni Toniolo (Eds.), Economic Growth in Europe since 1945 (240–289). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
22 February 2024 Henrekson, Magnus, Christian Sandström and Mikael Stenkula (2024). “Learning from Overrated Mission-Oriented Innovation Policies: Seven Takeaways”. In Magnus Henrekson, Christian Sandström and Mikael Stenkula (Eds.), Moonshots and the New Industrial Policy (235–255). Cham: Springer.
22 February 2024 Henrekson, Magnus, Christian Sandström and Mikael Stenkula (2024). “Moonshots and the New Industrial Policy: Questioning the Mission Economy”. In Magnus Henrekson, Christian Sandström and Mikael Stenkula (Eds.), Moonshots and the New Industrial Policy (3–28). Cham: Springer.
22 February 2024 Henrekson, Magnus and Mikael Stenkula (2024). “Bottom-Up Policies Trump Top-Down Missions”. In Magnus Henrekson, Christian Sandström and Mikael Stenkula (Eds.), Moonshots and the New Industrial Policy (309–331). Cham: Springer.
10 May 2024 Sundén, David and Magnus Henrekson (2024). “The Sponge-Iron Battle: The Challenges for Fossil-Free Steel Initiatives in Norrland and the Way Forward”. In Magnus Henrekson (Ed.), De norrländska stålsatsningarna – frälsare eller gökunge? (59–78). Stockholm: Samhällsförlaget.
25 April 2022 Elert, Niklas and Magnus Henrekson (2022). “Collaborative Innovation Blocs and Mission-Oriented Innovation Policy: An Ecosystem Perspective”. In Karl Wennberg and Christian Sandström (Eds.), Questioning the Entrepreneurial State. International Studies in Entrepreneurship, vol 53 (345–367). Cham: Springer.
11 May 2022 Elert, Niklas and Magnus Henrekson (2022). “Improved Framework Conditions for a More Entrepreneurial, Innovative and Resilient EU”. In Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Per Ekman, Anna Michalski and Lars Oxelheim (Eds.), Routes to a Resilient European Union (15–38). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
09 August 2022 Henrekson, Magnus and Mikael Stenkula (2022). “William J. Baumol: Innovative Contributor to Entrepreneurship Economics”. In Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall and Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak (Eds.), Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol. 40B. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited.
01 January 2020 Henrekson, Magnus, Özge Öner and Tino Sanandaji (2020). “The Refugee Crisis and the Reinvigoration of the Nation–State: Does the European Union Have a Common Asylum Policy?”. In Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Karin Leijon, Anna Michalski and Lars Oxelheim (Eds.), The European Union and the Return of the Nation State (83–110). Cham, CH: Springer International.
01 January 2018 Henrekson, Magnus (2018). “A Reform Strategy for a More Innovative and Entrepreneurial Europe”. In Emil Ems and Thorvaldur Gylfason (Eds.), Prosperity through Trade and Structural Reform – Festschrift in Honour of Per Magnus Wijkman (175–198). Stockholm: Dialogos Förlag.
01 January 2016 Braunerhjelm, Pontus and Magnus Henrekson (2016). “An Innovation Policy Framework: Bridging the Gap Between Industrial Dynamics and Growth”. In David B. Audretsch and Albert N. Link (Eds.), Essays in Public Sector Entrepreneurship (95–130). New York: Springer.
01 September 2015 Andersson, Martin and Magnus Henrekson (2015). “Local Competitiveness Fostered through Local Institutions for Entrepreneurship”. In David B. Audretsch, Albert N. Link and Mary Walshok (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Local Competitiveness (145–190). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
01 January 2015 Du Rietz, Gunnar and Magnus Henrekson (2015). “Swedish Wealth Taxation (1911–2007)”. In Magnus Henrekson and Mikael Stenkula (Eds.), Swedish Taxation: Developments since 1862 (267–302). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
01 January 2015 Du Rietz, Gunnar, Magnus Henrekson and Daniel Waldenström (2015). “Swedish Inheritance and Gift Taxation (1885–2004)”. In Magnus Henrekson and Mikael Stenkula (Eds.), Swedish Taxation: Developments since 1862 (223–265). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
01 January 2015 Henrekson, Magnus and Tino Sanandaji (2015). “Superentrepreneurship and Global Imbalances: Closing Europe’s Gap to Other Industrialized Regions”. In Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Moa Mårtensson, Lars Oxelheim and Thomas Persson (Eds.), The EU’s Role in Fighting Global Imbalances (56–88). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
01 January 2015 Henrekson, Magnus and Mikael Stenkula (2015). “Taxation in Sweden Since 1862: An Introduction and Overview”. In Magnus Henrekson and Mikael Stenkula (Eds.), Swedish Taxation: Developments since 1862 (267–302). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
01 January 2013 Edquist, Harald and Magnus Henrekson (2013). “Product Market Reforms and Incentives to Innovate in Sweden”. In Maria Choupres and Harald Edquist (Eds.), What Can We Learn from Economic Reforms in Greece and Sweden? (143–198). Brussels: European Liberal Forum.
01 January 2012 Henrekson, Magnus and Tino Sanandaji (2012). “Institutional Entrepreneurship: An Introduction”. In Magnus Henrekson and Tino Sanandaji (Eds.), Institutional Entrepreneurship. The International Library of Entrepreneurship 24 (xi–xxvii). Cheltenham, UK / Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
01 January 2011 Henrekson, Magnus and Dan Johansson (2011). “Firm Growth, Institutions, and Structural Transformation”. In Michael Fritsch (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Regional Development: National and Regional Perspectives (175–214). Cheltenham, UK / Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
01 January 2010 Braunerhjelm, Pontus, Magnus Henrekson and Anders Lundström (2010). “The Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research: Its Organization, Objectives and Criteria”. In Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch (Eds.), Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research: An Interdisciplinary Survey and Introduction (xi–xxiii). New York: Springer.
01 January 2010 Davis, Steven J. and Magnus Henrekson (2010). “Economic Performance and Market Work Activity in Sweden after the Crisis of the Early 1990s”. In Richard B. Freeman, Birgitta Swedenborg and Robert H. Topel (Eds.), Reforming the Welfare State: Recovery and Beyond in Sweden (225–252). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
01 January 2010 Henrekson, Magnus and Mikael Stenkula (2010). “Entrepreneurship and Public Policy”. In Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch (Eds.), Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research: An Interdisciplinary Survey and Introduction (595–637). New York: Springer.
01 January 2008 Douhan, Robin and Magnus Henrekson (2008). “The Political Economy of Entrepreneurship: An Introduction”. In Robin Douhan and Magnus Henrekson (Eds.), The Political Economy of Entrepreneurship. Vol. I and II. (xi–xxxi). The International Library of Entrepreneurship 11. Cheltenham, UK / Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
01 January 2007 Henrekson, Magnus and Jesper Roine (2007). “Promoting Entrepreneurship in the Welfare State”. In David B. Audretsch, Isabel Grilo and A. Roy Thurik (Eds.), The Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship Policy (64–93). Cheltenham, UK / Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
01 January 2006 Edquist, Harald and Magnus Henrekson (2006). “Technological Breakthroughs and Productivity Growth”. In Alexander J. Field, Gregory Clark and William A. Sundstrom (Eds.), Research in Economic History, Volume 24 (1–53). Bingley: Emerald.
01 January 2005 Henrekson, Magnus and Ulf Jakobsson (2005). “The Swedish Model of Corporate Ownership and Control in Transition”. In Harry Huizinga and Lars Jonung (Eds.), The Internationalisation of Asset Ownership in Europe (p. 207–246). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
01 January 1998 Henrekson, Magnus (1998). “Pre–Requisites for a Strengthened Entrepreneurial Culture in Sweden”. In Joseph P. Kruzich and Anna Fåhraeus (Eds.), What We Can Learn from Silicon Valley: American and Swedish Experiences. Proceedings from a Conference Organized by the Embassy of the United States of America et al (79–110). Stockholm: Embassy of the United States of America.
01 January 1997 Davis, Steven J. and Magnus Henrekson (1997). “Industrial Policy, Employer Size, and Economic Performance in Sweden”. In Richard B. Freeman, Robert Topel and Birgitta Swedenborg (Eds.), The Welfare State in Transition: Reforming the Swedish Model (353–397). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
01 January 1997 Hansson, Pär and Magnus Henrekson (1997). “Catching up, Social Capability, Government Size and Economic Growth”. In Villy Bergström (Ed.), Government and Growth (63–148). Oxford: Clarendon Press.
01 January 1997 Henrekson, Magnus (1997). “Entrepreneurial and Business Conditions in Sweden: Implications for Employment”. In Labor Market Policy and Job Creation. Swedish and U.S. Experiences (21–25). Stockholm: American Embassy.
01 January 1996 Henrekson, Magnus, Lars Jonung and Joakim Stymne (1996). “Economic Growth and the Swedish Model”. In Nicholas F.R. Crafts and Gianni Toniolo (Eds.), Economic Growth in Europe since 1945 (240–289). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.