Publications Articles and Book Chapters in English Show in normal format 26 February 2025 Dahlström, Petter, Hans Lööf, Fredrik Sjöholm and Andreas Stephan (2025). “The EU’s Competitive Advantage in the 'Clean-Energy Arms Race'”. Annals of Regional Science 74(1), 14. 05 March 2024 Sjöholm, Fredrik (2024). “Navigating the New Normal: The European Union's Changing Stance on Globalization in the Era of Trade Conflicts”. Asian Economic Papers 23(1), 29–45. 15 May 2023 Davidson, Carl, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, Fredrik Sjöholm and Susan Chun Zhu (2023). “Globalization, Recruitments, and Job Mobility”. Canadian Journal of Economics 56(2), 357–386. 13 April 2023 Sjöholm, Fredrik (2023). “The Belt and Road Initiative: Economic Causes and Effects”. Asian Economic Papers 22(1), 62–81. 17 June 2022 Lodefalk, Magnus , Fredrik Sjöholm and Aili Tang (2022). “International Trade and Labor Market Integration of Immigrants”. World Economy 45(6), 1650–1689. 01 August 2020 Davidson, Carl, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, Fredrik Sjöholm and Susan Chun Zhu (2020). “Globalization, the Jobs Ladder and Economic Mobility”. European Economic Review 127, 103444. 01 January 2019 Heyman, Fredrik and Fredrik Sjöholm (2019). “Globalization, Job Tasks and the Demand for Different Occupations”. Travail et emploi (157), 67–92. 01 November 2017 Davidson, Carl, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, Fredrik Sjöholm and Susan Chun Zhu (2017). “Global Engagement and the Occupational Structure of Firms”. European Economic Review 100, 273–292. 01 December 2017 Görg, Holger et al. (2017). “Firm Size Distribution and Employment Fluctuations: Theory and Evidence”. Research in Economics 71(4), 690–703. 01 September 2016 Davidson, Carl, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, Fredrik Sjöholm and Susan Chun Zhu (2016). “Global Engagement, Complex Tasks and the Distribution of Occupational Employment”. Review of International Economics 24(4), 717–736. 01 November 2014 Davidson, Carl, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, Fredrik Sjöholm and Susan Chun Zhu (2014). “Globalization and Imperfect Labor Market Sorting”. Journal of International Economics 94(2), 177–194. 01 February 2014 Nilsson Hakkala, Katariina, Fredrik Heyman and Fredrik Sjöholm (2014). “Multinational Firms, Acquisitions and Job Tasks”. European Economic Review 66, 248–265. 01 August 2013 Lipsey, Robert E., Fredrik Sjöholm and Jing Sun (2013). “Foreign Ownership and Employment Growth in a Developing Country”. Journal of Development Studies 49(8), 1133–1147. 01 June 2013 Lundahl, Mats and Fredrik Sjöholm (2013). “Improving the Lot of the Farmer: Development Challenges in Timor–Leste during the Second Decade of Independence”. Asian Economic Papers 12(2), 71–96. 01 September 2013 Sjöholm, Fredrik and Nannan Lundin (2013). “Foreign Firms and Indigenous Technology Development in the People’s Republic of China”. Asian Development Review 30(2), 49–75. 01 May 2012 Davidson, Carl, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, Fredrik Sjöholm and Susan Chun Zhu (2012). “Liberalized Trade and Worker–Firm Matching”. American Economic Review 102(3), 429–434. 01 May 2011 Heyman, Fredrik, Fredrik Sjöholm and Patrik Gustavsson Tingvall (2011). “Multinationals, Cross–Border Acquisitions and Wage Dispersion”. Canadian Journal of Economics 44(2), 627–650. 01 April 2011 Lipsey, Robert E. and Fredrik Sjöholm (2011). “Foreign Direct Investment and Growth in East Asia: Lessons for Indonesia”. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 47(1), 35–63. 01 January 2011 Lipsey, Robert E. and Fredrik Sjöholm (2011). “South–South FDI and Development in East Asia”. Asian Development Review 28(2), 11–31. 01 June 2010 Nilsson Hakkala, Katariina, Fredrik Heyman and Fredrik Sjöholm (2010). “Multinationals, Skills, and Wage Elasticities”. Review of World Economics 146(2), 263–280. 06 September 2010 Sjöholm, Fredrik and Nannan Lundin (2010). “The Role of Small Firms in the Technology Development of China”. World Economy 33(9), 1117–1139. 01 June 2010 Sjöholm, Fredrik and Nannan Lundin (2010). “Will Science and Technology Solve China’s Unemployment Problem?”. Asian Economic Papers 9(2), 1–28. 01 January 2009 Karlsson, Sune, Nannan Lundin, Fredrik Sjöholm and Ping He (2009). “Foreign Firms and Chinese Employment”. World Economy 32(1), 178–201. 17 February 2009 Lundahl, Mats and Fredrik Sjöholm (2009). “Population Growth and Job Creation in Timor–Leste”. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 14(1), 90–104. 01 June 2008 Engvall, Anders, Örjan Sjöberg and Fredrik Sjöholm (2008). “Poverty in Rural Cambodia: The Differentiated Impact of Linkages, Inputs and Access to Land”. Asian Economic Papers 7(2), 74–95. 22 February 2008 Lundahl, Mats and Fredrik Sjöholm (2008). “The Oil Resources of Timor–Leste: Curse or Blessing?”. Pacific Review 21(1), 67–86. 01 December 2008 Sjöholm, Fredrik and Sadayuki Takii (2008). “Foreign Networks and Exports: Results from Indonesian Panel Data”. Developing Economies 46(4), 428–446. 01 November 2007 Heyman, Fredrik, Fredrik Sjöholm and Patrik Gustavsson Tingvall (2007). “Is there Really a Foreign Ownership Wage Premium? Evidence from Matched Employer–Employee Data”. Journal of International Economics 73(2), 355–376. 01 September 2007 Håkansson, Peter and Fredrik Sjöholm (2007). “Who Do You Trust? Ethnicity and Trust in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. Europe-Asia Studies 59(6), 961–976. 01 December 1998 Braconier, Henrik and Fredrik Sjöholm (1998). “National and International Spillovers from R&D: Comparing a Neoclassical and an Endogenous Growth Approach”. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 134(4), 638–663.
26 February 2025 Dahlström, Petter, Hans Lööf, Fredrik Sjöholm and Andreas Stephan (2025). “The EU’s Competitive Advantage in the 'Clean-Energy Arms Race'”. Annals of Regional Science 74(1), 14.
05 March 2024 Sjöholm, Fredrik (2024). “Navigating the New Normal: The European Union's Changing Stance on Globalization in the Era of Trade Conflicts”. Asian Economic Papers 23(1), 29–45.
15 May 2023 Davidson, Carl, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, Fredrik Sjöholm and Susan Chun Zhu (2023). “Globalization, Recruitments, and Job Mobility”. Canadian Journal of Economics 56(2), 357–386.
13 April 2023 Sjöholm, Fredrik (2023). “The Belt and Road Initiative: Economic Causes and Effects”. Asian Economic Papers 22(1), 62–81.
17 June 2022 Lodefalk, Magnus , Fredrik Sjöholm and Aili Tang (2022). “International Trade and Labor Market Integration of Immigrants”. World Economy 45(6), 1650–1689.
01 August 2020 Davidson, Carl, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, Fredrik Sjöholm and Susan Chun Zhu (2020). “Globalization, the Jobs Ladder and Economic Mobility”. European Economic Review 127, 103444.
01 January 2019 Heyman, Fredrik and Fredrik Sjöholm (2019). “Globalization, Job Tasks and the Demand for Different Occupations”. Travail et emploi (157), 67–92.
01 November 2017 Davidson, Carl, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, Fredrik Sjöholm and Susan Chun Zhu (2017). “Global Engagement and the Occupational Structure of Firms”. European Economic Review 100, 273–292.
01 December 2017 Görg, Holger et al. (2017). “Firm Size Distribution and Employment Fluctuations: Theory and Evidence”. Research in Economics 71(4), 690–703.
01 September 2016 Davidson, Carl, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, Fredrik Sjöholm and Susan Chun Zhu (2016). “Global Engagement, Complex Tasks and the Distribution of Occupational Employment”. Review of International Economics 24(4), 717–736.
01 November 2014 Davidson, Carl, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, Fredrik Sjöholm and Susan Chun Zhu (2014). “Globalization and Imperfect Labor Market Sorting”. Journal of International Economics 94(2), 177–194.
01 February 2014 Nilsson Hakkala, Katariina, Fredrik Heyman and Fredrik Sjöholm (2014). “Multinational Firms, Acquisitions and Job Tasks”. European Economic Review 66, 248–265.
01 August 2013 Lipsey, Robert E., Fredrik Sjöholm and Jing Sun (2013). “Foreign Ownership and Employment Growth in a Developing Country”. Journal of Development Studies 49(8), 1133–1147.
01 June 2013 Lundahl, Mats and Fredrik Sjöholm (2013). “Improving the Lot of the Farmer: Development Challenges in Timor–Leste during the Second Decade of Independence”. Asian Economic Papers 12(2), 71–96.
01 September 2013 Sjöholm, Fredrik and Nannan Lundin (2013). “Foreign Firms and Indigenous Technology Development in the People’s Republic of China”. Asian Development Review 30(2), 49–75.
01 May 2012 Davidson, Carl, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, Fredrik Sjöholm and Susan Chun Zhu (2012). “Liberalized Trade and Worker–Firm Matching”. American Economic Review 102(3), 429–434.
01 May 2011 Heyman, Fredrik, Fredrik Sjöholm and Patrik Gustavsson Tingvall (2011). “Multinationals, Cross–Border Acquisitions and Wage Dispersion”. Canadian Journal of Economics 44(2), 627–650.
01 April 2011 Lipsey, Robert E. and Fredrik Sjöholm (2011). “Foreign Direct Investment and Growth in East Asia: Lessons for Indonesia”. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 47(1), 35–63.
01 January 2011 Lipsey, Robert E. and Fredrik Sjöholm (2011). “South–South FDI and Development in East Asia”. Asian Development Review 28(2), 11–31.
01 June 2010 Nilsson Hakkala, Katariina, Fredrik Heyman and Fredrik Sjöholm (2010). “Multinationals, Skills, and Wage Elasticities”. Review of World Economics 146(2), 263–280.
06 September 2010 Sjöholm, Fredrik and Nannan Lundin (2010). “The Role of Small Firms in the Technology Development of China”. World Economy 33(9), 1117–1139.
01 June 2010 Sjöholm, Fredrik and Nannan Lundin (2010). “Will Science and Technology Solve China’s Unemployment Problem?”. Asian Economic Papers 9(2), 1–28.
01 January 2009 Karlsson, Sune, Nannan Lundin, Fredrik Sjöholm and Ping He (2009). “Foreign Firms and Chinese Employment”. World Economy 32(1), 178–201.
17 February 2009 Lundahl, Mats and Fredrik Sjöholm (2009). “Population Growth and Job Creation in Timor–Leste”. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 14(1), 90–104.
01 June 2008 Engvall, Anders, Örjan Sjöberg and Fredrik Sjöholm (2008). “Poverty in Rural Cambodia: The Differentiated Impact of Linkages, Inputs and Access to Land”. Asian Economic Papers 7(2), 74–95.
22 February 2008 Lundahl, Mats and Fredrik Sjöholm (2008). “The Oil Resources of Timor–Leste: Curse or Blessing?”. Pacific Review 21(1), 67–86.
01 December 2008 Sjöholm, Fredrik and Sadayuki Takii (2008). “Foreign Networks and Exports: Results from Indonesian Panel Data”. Developing Economies 46(4), 428–446.
01 November 2007 Heyman, Fredrik, Fredrik Sjöholm and Patrik Gustavsson Tingvall (2007). “Is there Really a Foreign Ownership Wage Premium? Evidence from Matched Employer–Employee Data”. Journal of International Economics 73(2), 355–376.
01 September 2007 Håkansson, Peter and Fredrik Sjöholm (2007). “Who Do You Trust? Ethnicity and Trust in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. Europe-Asia Studies 59(6), 961–976.
01 December 1998 Braconier, Henrik and Fredrik Sjöholm (1998). “National and International Spillovers from R&D: Comparing a Neoclassical and an Endogenous Growth Approach”. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 134(4), 638–663.