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Thomas Åstebro


Thomas Åstebro is the L’Oreal Chair of Entrepreneurship at HEC Paris; Academic Director, HEC On-line Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Academic Director, HEC Leadership Center; co-Director Entrepreneurship Track HEC MBA Program, and past member of the Steering committee Groupement de Recherche et d’Etudes en Gestion d’HEC (HEC Management Research Group) and the Steering and Curriculum committees, MBA Program at HEC.

Affiliated Researcher

Thomas Åstebro

HEC Paris
Research interests: Entrepreneurship, Innovation

Some of the questions Thomas Åstebro tries to answer in his research: 

  • Why do people become entrepreneurs?
  • How important is academic and student entrepreneurship?
  • What is the role of various cognitive biases in explaining entrepreneurial choices?
  • The importance of job creation by entrepreneurs
  • The value of Intelectual property rights
Current writings

Published at IFN
Journal Articles
Working Papers