Vetenskapsrådet 2018-04714
Choice and Competition in the Swedish Preschool Sector: Impact on Employees and Segregation
The market-based reforms of the early 1990s introduced parental choice and private provider competition into the Swedish preschool sector. Our project studies this development with particular focus on i) the effects for the preschool workforce, and ii) the consequences of parents’ preschool choices. We apply advanced empirical methods on detailed register data in order to estimate causal effects of choice and competition.
Forte 2023-00172
Welfare technology and digital time measurement in Swedish home care for the elderly
In this project we pose the following main question: what are the effects of welfare technology and digitalisation in Swedish elderly care? We also pose a number of subquestions:
- How can we describe users of remote night monitoring in terms of health profile and other characteristics?
- What are the effects of remote night monitoring on the health of the elderly?
- What are the effects of Electronic Performance Monitoring (EPM) on workers?
- What role does administrative capacity play for the implementation of welfare technologies?