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Shopping for Change

The project aimed at investigating the importance of the retail sector for urban and economic development in Sweden. Using extensive geo-coded microdata over time the researchers applied spatial analysis to identify welfare effects (employment, urban and rural development, and place attractiveness). The effects emanate from the scale of retailing at different geographical levels in Sweden (e.g. neighborhood level, urban and rural municipalities, and functional regions).

Project manager
Project participants
Johan Klaesson, Internationella Handelshögskolan Jönköping och IFN

The project took a holistic point of view to identify the role of retailing for (i) local labor markets, (ii) urban and rural development, and (iii) place attractiveness. In order to accomplish such a goal, the researchers build the empirical design on economic theory and exploited big data to apply a series of quantitative methods for Swedish regions, municipalities, and even for neighborhoods of major retail markets.

Some of the specific questions addressed:

  • What are the employment opportunities and net employment effects associated with retail development in a municipality or a region in Sweden?
  • What are the systematic variations in retail development and performance in rural and urban regions? How do differences in infrastructure shape the urban-rural dichotomy for retail markets?
  • What is the relationship between “place attractiveness” and consumption possibilities in municipalities and regions in Sweden?

The project was financed by The Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council.