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Working Paper No. 1512

The Inc-Dec Game and How to Mitigate It

Working Paper
Holmberg, Pär (2024). “The Inc-Dec Game and How to Mitigate It”. IFN Working Paper No. 1512. Stockholm: Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN).

Pär Holmberg

The power exchange and the real-time markets used by the system operator differ in how system constraints are managed. This can result in regulatory arbitrage, which can increase consumer costs, increase the risk of power outages and distort investment incentives. This paper uses a game-theoretical approach to study these problems and proposes various measures to reduce them. For example, zones and grid tariffs can be adjusted. Moreover, regulations of real-time markets can improve, and transmission system operators can implement measures to increase the capacity of the existing grid.

Pär Holmberg

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