We study the impact of financing constraints on corporate risk management. Using data on credit scores matched with unique information on firm level commercial insurance purchases, we find that financing constraints lead to higher insurance spending. We adopt a regression discontinuity design and show that financially constrained firms spend 5–14% more on insurance than otherwise similar unconstrained firms. Our findings add new insights to the longstanding empirical puzzle of whether financially constrained firms engage more in risk management. Furthermore, our results shed light on risk management in smaller, mostly private firms.
Working Paper No. 1452
Financing Constraints and Risk Management: Evidence From Micro-Level Insurance Data
Working Paper
Bustos, Emil, Oliver Engist, Gustav Martinsson and Christian Thomann (2022). “Financing Constraints and Risk Management: Evidence From Micro-Level Insurance Data”. IFN Working Paper No. 1452. Stockholm: Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN).
Bustos, Emil, Oliver Engist, Gustav Martinsson and Christian Thomann (2022). “Financing Constraints and Risk Management: Evidence From Micro-Level Insurance Data”. IFN Working Paper No. 1452. Stockholm: Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN).
Emil Bustos, Oliver Engist,
Gustav Martinsson,
Christian Thomann