We analyse in a theoretical framework the link between real-time and day-ahead market performance in a hydro-based and imperfectly competitive wholesale electricity market. Theoretical predictions of the model are tested on data from the Nordic power exchange, Nord Pool Spot (NPS).We reject the hypothesis that prices at NPS were at their competitive levels throughout the period under examination. The empirical approach uses equilibrium prices and quantities and does not rely on bid data nor on estimation of demand or marginal cost functions.
Working Paper No. 1009
Real-time versus Day-ahead Market Power in a Hydro-based Electricity Market
Working Paper
Tangerås, Thomas and Johannes Mauritzen (2014). “Real-time versus Day-ahead Market Power in a Hydro-based Electricity Market”. IFN Working Paper No. 1009. Stockholm: Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN).
Tangerås, Thomas and Johannes Mauritzen (2014). “Real-time versus Day-ahead Market Power in a Hydro-based Electricity Market”. IFN Working Paper No. 1009. Stockholm: Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN).
Thomas Tangerås, Johannes Mauritzen