We construct a model where incumbents can either acquire basic innovations from entrepreneurs, or wait and acquire developed innovations from entrepreneurial firms supported by venture capitalists. We show that venture-backed entrepreneurial firms have an incentive to overinvest in development vis à vis incumbents due to strategic product market effects on the sales price of a developed innovation. This will trigger preemptive acquisitions by incumbents, thus increasing the reward for entrepreneurial innovations. We also show that venture capital can emerge in equilibrium if venture capitalists have cost advantages, or if development is associated with double moral hazard problems.
Working Paper No. 783
The Organization of the Innovation Industry: Entrepreneurs, Venture Capitalists and Oligopolists
Working Paper
Norbäck, Pehr-Johan and Lars Persson (2009). “The Organization of the Innovation Industry: Entrepreneurs, Venture Capitalists and Oligopolists”. IFN Working Paper No. 783. Stockholm: Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN).
Norbäck, Pehr-Johan and Lars Persson (2009). “The Organization of the Innovation Industry: Entrepreneurs, Venture Capitalists and Oligopolists”. IFN Working Paper No. 783. Stockholm: Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN).
Pehr-Johan Norbäck, Lars Persson