We employ geocoded data to explore the effects of ethnic enclaves in Swedish cities on the propensity of Middle Eastern immigrants to transcend from having no employment to self-employment. We demonstrate a robust tendency for immigrants to leave non-employment for self-employment if many co-ethnic peers in the enclave are business owners, while we observe weak effects emanating from business owners in other groups. Net of these effects, overall enclave size, measured by the local concentration of co-ethnic peers, has a negative influence on the propensity for a non-employed immigrant to become self-employed.
Regional Studies
Ethnic Enclaves and Self-Employment among Middle Eastern Immigrants in Sweden: Ethnic Capital or Enclave Size?
Journal Article
Andersson, Martin, Johan P Larsson and Özge öner (2021). “Ethnic Enclaves and Self-Employment among Middle Eastern Immigrants in Sweden: Ethnic Capital or Enclave Size?”. Regional Studies 55(4), 590–604. doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2020.1839638
Andersson, Martin, Johan P Larsson and Özge öner (2021). “Ethnic Enclaves and Self-Employment among Middle Eastern Immigrants in Sweden: Ethnic Capital or Enclave Size?”. Regional Studies 55(4), 590–604. doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2020.1839638
Martin Andersson, Johan P Larsson,
Özge öner