Wind power generation of electricity has gained popular support because of its low environmental impact and its low costs relative to other renewable energy sources. However, concerns have been raised in the power sector that wind power generation will come at the price of increased damage to other power generators. Wind power generation is naturally volatile which requires other power sources to start up and shut down in accordance with weather conditions, which for instance coal or gas generators are in general not built to do. The previous literature has used simulations to show that the damage done and the associated costs can be substantial. We use a dataset containing all reported failures in the Nordic electricity market Nord Pool and data for Danish wind power generation. The analysis shows that for both Denmark and the rest of Nord Pool the short-term costs associated with the volatility of wind power generation are non-significant.
Renewable Energy
Wind Power Volatility and its Impact on Production Failures in the Nordic Electricity Market
Journal Article
Fogelberg, Sara and Ewa Lazarczyk (2017). “Wind Power Volatility and its Impact on Production Failures in the Nordic Electricity Market”. Renewable Energy 105, 96–105.
Fogelberg, Sara and Ewa Lazarczyk (2017). “Wind Power Volatility and its Impact on Production Failures in the Nordic Electricity Market”. Renewable Energy 105, 96–105.
Sara Fogelberg, Ewa Lazarczyk