A robust positive correlation between height and intelligence, as measured by IQ tests, has been established in the literature. This paper makes several contributions toward establishing the causes of this association. First, we extend the standard bivariate ACE model to account for assortative mating. The more general theoretical framework provides several key insights, including formulas to decompose a crosstrait genetic correlation into components attributable to assortative mating and pleiotropy and to decompose a crosstrait within-family correlation. Second, we use a large dataset of male twins drawn from Swedish conscription records and examine how well genetic and environmental factors explain the association between (i) height and intelligence and (ii) height and military aptitude, a professional psychogologist’s assessment of a conscript’s ability to deal with wartime stress.
Behavior Genetics
On the Sources of the Height–Intelligence Correlation: New Insights from a Bivariate ACE Model with Assortative Mating
Journal Article
Beauchamp, Jonathan P., David Cesarini, Magnus Johannesson, Erik Lindqvist and Coren Apicella (2011). “On the Sources of the Height–Intelligence Correlation: New Insights from a Bivariate ACE Model with Assortative Mating”. Behavior Genetics 41(2), 242–252. doi.org/10.1007/s10519-010-9376-7
Beauchamp, Jonathan P., David Cesarini, Magnus Johannesson, Erik Lindqvist and Coren Apicella (2011). “On the Sources of the Height–Intelligence Correlation: New Insights from a Bivariate ACE Model with Assortative Mating”. Behavior Genetics 41(2), 242–252. doi.org/10.1007/s10519-010-9376-7
Jonathan P. Beauchamp,
David Cesarini, Magnus Johannesson,
Erik Lindqvist, Coren Apicella