Consider a market where producers submit supply functions to a procurement auction with uncertain demand, e.g. an electricity auction. In the Supply Function Equilibrium (SFE), every firm commits to the supply function that maximises expected profit in the one-shot game given the supply functions of competitors. A basic weakness of the SFE is the presence of multiple equilibria. This paper shows that with (i) symmetric producers, (ii) perfectly inelastic demand, (iii) a price cap, and (iv) capacity constraints that bind with a positive probability, there exists a unique, symmetric SFE.
Energy Economics
Unique Supply Function Equilibrium with Capacity Constraints
Journal Article
Holmberg, Pär (2008). “Unique Supply Function Equilibrium with Capacity Constraints”. Energy Economics 30(1), 148–172.
Holmberg, Pär (2008). “Unique Supply Function Equilibrium with Capacity Constraints”. Energy Economics 30(1), 148–172.
Pär Holmberg