Extract from a book by Mr. Rickard Elinder on the results of an investigation into the structure of the Swedish shoe industry carried out at the Swedish Institute for Industrial, Social and Economic Research, founded by the Association of Manufacturers and the Employers’ Federation. An active part in this investigation was taken by The Swedish Shoe Manufacturers' Association. This investigation was made In 1944-1947, the results of which were handed over to the State Committee for the shoe industry. This Committee appointed in 1945 is now preparing its final report.
Facts about the Swedish Shoe Industry
Elinder, Rickard (1949). Facts about the Swedish Shoe Industry. Stockholm: Svenska Skofabrikantföreningens skriftserie.
Elinder, Rickard (1949). Facts about the Swedish Shoe Industry. Stockholm: Svenska Skofabrikantföreningens skriftserie.
Rickard Elinder