In this chapter, we outline a reform strategy to promote an entrepreneurial society in Italy. From a Varieties-of-Capitalism perspective, Italy has been classified as a Mixed or Mediterranean Market Economy. It boasts a vibrant entrepreneurial economy of locally embedded, often family-owned small- and medium-sized firms that make up a major share of its economy. The main bottlenecks in the Italian entrepreneurial ecosystem are low ambition levels, the lack of skills and education flowing into entrepreneurial ventures, and a bureaucratically encumbered, nonmeritocratic, business environment that feeds back into a low familiarity with ambitious entrepreneurship. Italy could strengthen its entrepreneurial ecosystem in several areas, ranging from boosting human capital investments to reducing the clientelism in the business environment and recruitment culture. This would open up more opportunities for the young and talented, eager to engage in productive and innovative venturing in Italy.
The Entrepreneurial Society – A Reform Strategy for Italy, Germany and the UK
A Reform Strategy for Italy
Book Chapter
Sanders, Mark et al. (2020). “A Reform Strategy for Italy”. In Mark Sanders, Axel Marx and Mikael Stenkula (Eds.), The Entrepreneurial Society – A Reform Strategy for Italy, Germany and the UK (127–162). Berlin: Springer.
Sanders, Mark et al. (2020). “A Reform Strategy for Italy”. In Mark Sanders, Axel Marx and Mikael Stenkula (Eds.), The Entrepreneurial Society – A Reform Strategy for Italy, Germany and the UK (127–162). Berlin: Springer.
Mark Sanders,
Mikael Stenkula, Luca Grilli,
Andrea M. Herrmann,
Gresa Latifi,
Balázs Páger,
László Szerb,
Elisa Terragno Bogliaccini
Mark Sanders,
Axel Marx,
Mikael Stenkula