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IFN 's newsletter in English (News from IFN) was authored by researchers at IFN and presented a special feature article on a timely topic. Our Swedish Newsletter is more policy orientated and is still published on our Swedish website.
While the debate over academic freedom has mostly focused on cultural issues, a new study investigates whether freedom of academic inquiry is also important for the economy. The results indicate that…
The cryptocurrency Bitcoin has been marketed as revolutionary new money and an attractive investment. But closer examination suggests that Bitcoin works poorly as money and does not qualify as an asse…
Part-time jobs during high school provide one of the most commonly-used pathways into regular employment. This note discusses why such contacts are an important job search channel for young workers, a…
In the aftermath of the Covid 19 crisis, the business sectors in Sweden and Europe will need considerable restructuring and reorganization. These required changes add to the need to keep pace with the…
A recent proposal to regulate minimum wages at the EU level has not been well received in the Nordic countries, in which these wages traditionally have been set in negotiations between unions and empl…
A key task for economists and policymakers is to predict how markets will respond to regulatory changes. In recent research we analyze the impact of entry regulations on consumers and firms, focusing…
When should entrepreneurs choose to enter the market with a start-up? And when should they sell their invention or business idea? New research on how entrepreneurs decide between entry and sale offers…
Network industries, such as electricity and water distribution, are typically seen to require regulation to prevent excessive pricing. But new research shows how consumer awareness can also create com…
There is a well-known positive association between job status and health. The relationship has been taken as evidence of how the work environment shapes health. But newly published research from the R…
How important are political rules for economic growth? Recent work at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics supports theories that changes in political institutions can be key determinants of…
State-to-state investment treaties such as TTIP and CETA have recently come under intense fire in the policy debate. Their vague formulations and highly potent compensation mechanisms are alleged to p…
Recent research at IFN finds that free infant care during the first year of life has not only substantial positive short-term health effects, but also positive long-term effects. These services, inclu…
Stimulating entrepreneurship is high on policymakers’ agendas. But what should we mean when we talk about entrepreneurship, and why is it so important? Should policymakers try to influence entrepreneu…
Do pork barrel politics really change voting behavior? IFN researchers measured the effect of high-profile pledges on child care in Swedish elections – with surprising results, writes Henrik Jordahl.
Recent IFN research reveals that short-termist behavior is not widespread among private equity firms, and that tax evasion is not what really generates returns for investors. In addition, the research…
Capitalism can create prosperity only if there is a clear separation between the market and the political sphere, argues Andreas Bergh in his new book Sweden and the Revival of the Capitalist Welfare…
The debate about nuclear power focuses mostly on safety, environmental costs for nuclear waste and climate benefits due to reduced carbon emissions. A further potentially important aspect is the conse…