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Sustainable Finance in an Age of Geopolitical and Economic Instability

15 July 2024

Professor Lars Oxelheim, affiliated researcher at IFN, organized a concluding special plenary session on June 29 at the European Financial Management Association's (EFMA) 33rd Annual Conference in Lisbon on the theme of Sustainable Finance in an Age of Geopolitical and Economic Instability. The session attracted great interest at this prestigious conference, which brought together over 500 researchers from all over the world.

Picture: Lars Oxelheim, IFN (in the middle), surrounded by the participants in the session (from left): Harald Benink (Professor, Tilburg University and Chairman of the European Regulatory Financial Shadow Committees); Adrian Blundell-Wignall (Professor, Sydney University and former Head of the OECD Financial Markets Department);  John Doukas (Professor, Old Dominion University and Chairman of the European Financial Management Association, EFMA and Editor of the journal European Financial Management); Fredrik N G Andersson (Associate Professor, Lund University).

Lars Oxelheim chaired the session, which included an exciting presentation by the former head of the OECD's Financial Markets Department – Professor Adrian Blundell-Wignall – on how politics in China and Russia are on a collision course with those in the Western world in terms of the development towards a sustainable green society. The various posts can be downloaded from EFMA's website. Lars Oxelheim is responsible for the program for EFMA's 35th Annual Conference which will take place in Norway in June 2026.