The Profit Motive in the Classroom—Friend or Foe?
Immigrant Self-employment in Turbulent Times
The EU’s Competitive Advantage in the 'Clean-Energy Arms Race'
Is Green Industrial Policy the Right Choice for the EU?
Guest Lecture for the Treasury, New Zealand
Lars Calmfors was invited to give a guest lecture for the Treasury, New Zealand, on March 18. The lecture is a part of the Treasury's Fiscal Policy for the Futures Series, and Lars's speech focused on Sweden's approach to a responsible fiscal policy.

Students from St. Louis discussed Euro with Lars Calmfors
Four students at Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) participating in a study abroad program at the Copenhagen Business School visited IFN and Lars Calmfors on January 24 to discuss the Euro.
As part of this program, WashU Olin Business School students from various locations across Europe take part in the European Study Tour. Each group is assigned a topic related to a country within the EU. The specific topic for this group is why Sweden chose not to adopt the Euro. As part of the program, each student writes both a research paper and a research report on their assigned topic.